OLLI summer term courses will be offered June 20 - July 28, 2023
OLLI will provide Zoom, hybrid, and in-person offerings in summer 2023. The summer 2023 catalog lists courses, special events, and clubs/interest groups at all three locations (Fairfax, Reston, and Loudoun). Fairfax courses are denoted by "F", Reston courses are denoted by "R", and Loudoun courses are denoted by "L". Zoom classes will have a "Z" at the end of the course number.
Summer Registration begins Wednesday, May 17 at 9:00 am.Registration continues thereafter on a space available basis.
Following are direct links to selected summer catalog pages.
Registration Procedures. OLLI has an easy-to-use system that more than half of members now use; we strongly encourage you to register online by visiting the Member Portal Please call the office at 703-503-3384, ext. 221 if you have questions or problems with registering online. If you prefer to register manually, complete the registration form, enclose your check(s) to renew your annual membership (if applicable), and pay for any courses or special events (separate checks are required for each event), and then mail the material to OLLI or deliver it to the office. Add to cart classes and event are available on a first-come, first severed basis.
Drop or add a course. Click here to add or withdraw from a course after you register. A confirmation email will be sent to you. You can also find this link in the docstore located on the the OLLI website, https://ollidev2.earthcare.com . You can also add a course in the member portal by following the registration procedure. Courses and activities are limited by available space or other factors. The most important thing you can do to improve your chances of getting the courses and activities you want is to list them in priority order of their importance to you on the Registration Form. If courses are not over-subscribed, you will be enrolled in the courses you have requested. For the relatively few over-subscribed courses, registration is filled by priority group (priority ones first, then priority twos, etc.), and when there are not enough slots, remaining available slots for that priority group will be filled by 'lottery' using computer-generated numbers.