Dr. Andrew Siegel, ophthalmologist trained at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center in glaucoma subspecialty, discussedhow to prevent glaucoma from taking away your vision—February 13, 2024
OLLI Personal Computer User Group 3rd Saturday meeting is August 17 (tomorrow) in person and via Zoom; check the OLLI daily-schedule email for link and other information.
The OLLI fall term is September 23 through November 15; fall-term registration begins August 20 and continues throughout the term.
The next issue of OLLI E-News will be published Friday, August 30; the regular deadline for submission of items is Tuesday, August 27, at 6:00.
Mason’s “History of the Family” Course Invites OLLI Members to Share with University Students
By Camille Hodges, Board Member and Humanities and Social Sciences/Current Events Program Planning Group Co-Chair
Intergenerational conversations not only provide a pathway of understanding the history of OLLI members but also encourage Mason students to research and appreciate the history of their own families. Both students and OLLI members encountered an experience like no other as they engaged in Mason’s fall 2023 Honors course, “History of the Family,” taught by Dr. Spencer Crew. During the July 30, 2024, Humanities and Social Sciences OLLI class, Dr. Crew and his team of presenters discussed the rich rewards of intergenerational dialogue, which elicited many emotional responses from those who attended.
The Honors course “History of the Family” is available once again during the fall 2024 term which begins on September 26. If you would like to participate by sharing your family history and encourage Mason students as they research theirs, please contact Dr. Crew via email at srcrew@gmu.edu. The in‑person student interview process is required but will not begin until later in the fall and may also be conducted via Zoom. Testimonies have shown that this is a personal experience of tremendous value.
Your Invitation to Join the OLLI Humanities and Social Sciences/Current Events Program Planning Group
By Camille Hodges, Humanities and Social Sciences/Current Events
Program Planning Group Co-Chair
Where do great OLLI programs originate? They come from our OLLI members/friends and that includes you! We are always looking for great ideas that support the interests of our OLLI members as well as our community. The Humanities and Social Sciences/Current Events Program Planning Group focuses on all social sciences as well as topics that are of current public interest and may not be covered in other OLLI-scheduled news programs. This is because our programming is created weeks in advance for each term. You can provide your ideas/suggestions by joining the HSS/CE Program Planning Group Meeting via the Zoom link shared in OLLI E-News.
If you are interested or have a friend/neighbor/ colleague whose ideas would support our HSS/CE program planning, please invite them to attend our Zoom meeting on August 29 at 10:00. The Zoom link will be available via OLLI E-News a few days before the meeting, as well as on the OLLI Daily Schedule list of programming. Just click on the link and join the meeting!
By Brenda Bloch-Young and Doris Bloch, Co‑Moderators
Team Bloch's topic for August 28th Wednesday Afternoon Conversation is: Do you wear a watch? If yes, a traditional watch or a smart watch?
Let’s talk about watches, Pros and Cons: some of the younger generation members eschew wristwatches—time can be checked on their cell phone, they say. But is it rude to pull out your cell phone every ten minutes while in conversation? Or is it equally rude to check your wristwatch every ten minutes? Is it ruder to be late?
Do you have a smart watch? Or do you wear a watch at all? What can a smart watch do for you and what are the disadvantages! What features do you use most on your smartwatch? Interesting to find out what our generation is typically wearing and how their watches are being used.
Our conversations begin at 4:00 each Wednesday afternoon on the 24/7 Chat Line. No registration is required; just click on the link in the emailed Daily Schedule.
The August 2024 Photo of the Month theme was Minimalism. We selected Ed Marion's photo "Minimalist – Frank Lloyd Wright," which may also be viewed at this page. To view other photos by members of the Photography Club, visit the club's photo website. -- By John Olsen and Edward Marion, Photography Club Co-Coordinators
You laugh
easily naturally generously
to things I say and do
to what others say and do
Your laugh forgives forgets
like it didn’t happen
like it didn’t matter although it did
Your laugh goes to
our children their children
our godchildren friends
our dogs grand dogs
Your laugh is
robust bringing tears
Your laugh was present
before I knew your name
on our first date
during good and bad times
Your laugh
twinkles the moment
invites relaxes connects
is with me for years to come
Mark Weinstein, long-time OLLI member, died on August 7, 2024; he joined in the fall of 2009. Mark was devoted to lifelong learning and teaching. He was slated to teach a fall OLLI class on Steerage—traveling in the lowest category of passenger accommodations on westbound trans-Atlantic steamships at the end of the 18th and early 19th centuries.
Mark was an electrical engineer by profession and served in the United States Air Force. He also volunteered for many years as a docent at the United States Air and Space Museum. He will be missed by his many OLLI friends and students.
A chapel funeral service for Mark was held Monday, August 12, at Stanetsky-Hymanson Memorial Chapel in Salem, Massachusetts. He was laid to rest in Shirat Hayam-Beth El Cemetery, 506 Lowell Street, Peabody, MA. More information is available at this link.
Although there are no performances scheduled for this month, single tickets for next season's performances are on sale for non-subscribers as of August 1. Check the Center for the Arts (CFA) ticket purchase page for a schedule of performances. The Hylton Center for the Performing Arts event schedule has information on fall performances.
By Linda H. Harber, OLLI Member and Friends of Music at Mason President
What a way to start the upcoming arts season at George Mason University!
One of the best events is coming on Saturday, September 28 at Mason: ARTS By George. It is a unique evening which combines many of my favorite things—incredible entertainment, talented student artists in all areas of the arts spectrum—music (Jazz, piano, opera, wind symphony), dance, theater, music technology, art technology, film, Green Machine and more. Also, there will be delicious food and drink throughout. When you sign in, you will receive a schedule for the early evening with so much to choose from as you walk around the arts venues (and did I mention food and drinks?). The evening will close with a concert by the amazing Tony-award-winning Lea Salonga in Mason’s Center for the Arts. More details are available at this link.
A percentage of the admission cost for the evening goes to Mason Arts student scholarships – so you can have fun and support talented arts students! Individual Tickets for (alumni) are $250 ($200 benefit)
Individual Tickets for (non-Alumni) are$350 ($200 benefit)
Please join in on my favorite arts event and hopefully soon-to-be yours! Looking forward to seeing you there!
Please note: OLLI Meetings and Clubs may currently take place in several formats: some are in person only, some are online only, and some are hybrid, meaning that they take place in person and are accessible online simultaneously. OLLI events and activities meeting online bear the identification "Z" in their course or event number (except clubs; you may need to check the OLLI calendar and daily schedule email for location and other event information). Refer to the university's coronavirus website for official university updates.
The following list covering the next two weeks is extracted for your convenience from the master online calendar maintained by the office. The list is accurate as of mid-week, but for the most up-to-date information, please view the latest forecast of coming events on our website (News/OLLI Calendar). Note: All OLLI members are welcome at, and encouraged to attend, meetings of the Board of Directors, committees and resource groups, kick-off coffees, etc., bolded below. The OLLI office has sent (or will send) emails with links and meeting passwords to club members; you may also log in at the member portal and click on ZOOM CLASS LINKS.
Sat Aug 17
10:30 am
1:00 pm
Tai Chi Club – online
Personal Computer Club
Mon Aug 19
9:30 am
10:00 am
11:00 am
4:00 pm
What’s in the Daily News? – online
Bridge Club
Poetry Reading Club – online
Chair Yoga Club – online
Tue Aug 20
1:00 pm
2:00 pm
4:30 pm
Stay Active and Independent for Life – online
Chair Yoga Club – online
Tai Chi Club – online
Wed Aug 21
10:00 am
10:30 am
12:00 noon
2:00 pm
4:00 pm
4:00 pm
Board Game Club
Investment Forum
Chair Yoga Club – online
Memoir and More Writing Group – online
Spanish Club – online
Conversation with Team Bloch – online
Thu Aug 22
11:50 am
3:00 pm
4:30 pm
6:00 pm
All the News – online
Chair Yoga Club – online
Tai Chi Club – online
Ethnic Eats Club – online
Fri Aug 23
9:30 am
9:30 am
11:00 am
12:00 noon
12:00 noon
1:00 pm
2:30 pm
Mah Jongg Club
Crafts and Conversation
Homer, etc. – online
Photography Club
Chair Yoga Club – online
Stay Active and Independent for Life – online
Caregivers Support Group – online
Sat Aug 24
10:30 am
Tai Chi Club – online
Mon Aug 26
9:30 am
10:00 am
4:00 pm
4:00 pm
What’s in the Daily News? – online
Bridge Club
Family History/Genealogy Club – online
Chair Yoga Club – online
Tue Aug 27
2:00 pm
4:30 pm
Chair Yoga Club – online
Tai Chi Club – online
Wed Aug 28
10:30 am
12:00 noon
4:00 pm
4:00 pm
4:00 pm
Investment Forum
Chair Yoga Club – online
Mah Jongg Club – online
Theater Lovers’ Group – online
Conversation with Team Bloch – online
Thu Aug 29
10:00 am
11:50 am
3:00 pm
4:30 pm
Humanities and Social Sciences/Current Events Program Planning Group Meeting
All the News – online
Chair Yoga Club – online
Tai Chi Club – online
Fri Aug 30
9:30 am
9:30 am
11:00 am
12:00 noon
Dabbling Artists Club
Crafts and Conversation
Homer, etc. – online
Chair Yoga Club – online
OLLI E-News was created by Rod Zumbro, who served as its editor from 2005 to 2013.
Editorial Staff
Chief Editor: Paul Van Hemel
Associate Editor: David Gundry
Weekly Editor Team: David Gundry, John Nash, Sheri Siesseger,Paul Van Hemel Proofreaders: Rebecca Jann, Susan Van Hemel, Tom Appich, Martha Kossoff, Anne Hartshorn, Bonnie Becker, Carol McManus
Submissions: Members are encouraged to submit letters to the editor, letters to Ms. Ollie Ettakit (on etiquette matters), OLLI-related news items, articles, and photos. Submit material to: ollienewseditor@gmail.com. Deadline: Tuesday, 6:00, for that week's issue (Monday, 6:00, for letters to the editor); early submissions are greatly appreciated. Please limit articles to about 250 words. Note: You can view past issues of OLLI E-News on the DocStore. To search the content of issues, use Search Our Site or put your search term in Google followed by "site:ollidev2.earthcare.com/" without the quotes.
Last month, our trivia team, Los Viejos, pulled off a third consecutive top-three finish.
Final question: "What insect secretion is also slang for a lopsided result in sports?"
We will be getting together again this Thursday (8 August) at Kalypso’s in Reston, which is in the same complex as the Lake Anne Osher campus. The game starts at 7:00 PM. Andi and I are usually there around 6:30 to hold a table.
If you decide to give it a try, please text or email in advance: (423) 524-5149 or amount1963@gmail.com.
The Computer Club (OLLI Personal Computer User Group, or OPCUG) will meet with its partner, the Potomac Area Technology and Computer Society (PATACS), on Saturday, August 17, in person and via Zoom. The Zoom session opens at 12:45.
Surprise—Join Us and Discover
Several topics are under development for this month’s session, but details were unavailable when the deadline for this publication arrived. Details will be posted when available on the OPCUG and PATACS websites.
Learn in 30: Google Calendar—Presented by Geof Goodrum
This month's Learn in 30 session will be a guided tour of PATACS's Google Calendar, which was added to the PATACS website this year. We'll demonstrate calendar features and how to add PATACS calendar events and reminders to your personal calendar, so you won't miss a meeting topic that interests you.
Geof Goodrum is a retired US Government scientist and technology enthusiast who has been active in Computer User Groups since 1984. Geof has been a user and advocate of the GNU/Linux operating system and Open Source software since 1994, with professional experience as a programmer, system administrator, network administrator, data engineer, system engineer, and system architect. Geof also enjoys hiking and completed a through hike of the 2,200-mile Appalachian Trail in 2018.
See full details on this meeting by clicking here. For information on the Computer Club, see the OPCUG Website. OPCUG dues are $5 and are now due for 2024 (and 2023, if you didn’t get around to paying last year!)—see http://olligmu.org/opcug/comm.html for details on making payment.
To attend via Zoom’s cloud meeting service, beginning at 12:45, please click this link to join the meeting and use passcode 815677 (Note: enter passcode with NO spaces) or enter meeting ID 849 1732 2131 in the Zoom app and use the above passcode (preferred method), or dial in at 301-715-8592.
The Tallwood Book Club will hold its last Zoom meeting of the year on Friday, August 9th, at 2:30. The book to be discussed is Moloka'i by Alan Brennert.
During the fall and in December, the meetings will be on the Tallwood campus, as noted in the recently-released Fall Catalog.
Your Thoughts Can Be Featured In A Fall 2024 Course: I Was There
By John Quinn, OLLI Instructor
In the fall term, I will present a two-part course entitled "I Was There," which is intended to capture the personal recollections of OLLI members who participated in or witnessed significant historical events.
I have found some interesting stories from OLLI members so far, but not enough. If you witnessed or were otherwise personally involved in one or more significant historical events, please consider contacting me to have your recollections featured in the course.
The younger gentleman in the accompanying photo is Charley Ostott, an OLLI member and a retired three-star Army general, then a senior at West Point. The older gentleman is Dwight D. Eisenhower.
Please contact me at skinsnats@gmail.com (cell phone: 703-915-1578) with any questions. Thanks.
Early morning
Heron in the pond silently steps
Long legs and splayed feet gently stir the water
Head lowered checking for small fish
Slow steady progressive breakfast
Then the ducks arrive in a kerfuffle of fuss
Wildly calling as they fight momentum to land
In a squawk of flapping and flusters
Wings and feet splash into water
The flock settles into paddled disturbance
The heron quietly raises his head
Stands to his fullest
Sends an annoyed glance at his new neighbors
Spreads his enormous wings and leaves with grace
Please note: OLLI Meetings and Clubs may currently take place in several formats: some are in person only, some are online only, and some are hybrid, meaning that they take place in person and are accessible online simultaneously. OLLI events and activities meeting online bear the identification "Z" in their course or event number (except clubs; you may need to check the OLLI calendar and daily schedule email for location and other event information). Refer to the university's coronavirus website for official university updates.
The following list covering the next two weeks is extracted for your convenience from the master online calendar maintained by the office. The list is accurate as of mid-week, but for the most up-to-date information, please view the latest forecast of coming events on our website (News/OLLI Calendar). Note: All OLLI members are welcome at, and encouraged to attend, meetings of the Board of Directors, committees and resource groups, kick-off coffees, etc. The OLLI office has sent (or will send) emails with links and meeting passwords to club members; you may also log in at the member portal and click on ZOOM CLASS LINKS.
Sat Aug 3
10:30 am
Tai Chi Club – online
Mon Aug 5
9:30 am
11:00 am
What’s in the Daily News? – online
Poetry Reading Club – online
Tue Aug 6
1:00 pm
2:00 pm
4:30 pm
Stay Active and Independent for Life – online
Chair Yoga Club – online
Tai Chi Club – online
Wed Aug 7
2:00 pm
4:00 pm
4:00 pm
Memoir and More Writing Group – online
Mah Jongg Club – online
Spanish Club – online
Thu Aug 8
11:50 am
3:00 pm
4:30 pm
All the News – online
Chair Yoga Club – online
Tai Chi Club – online
Fri Aug 9
9:30 am
9:30 am
11:00 am
11:30 am
1:00 pm
2:30 pm
2:30 pm
Photography Club – online
Crafts and Conversation
Homer, etc. – online
Cooking Club
Stay Active and Independent for Life – online
Tallwood Book Club – online
Caregivers Support Group – online
Sat Aug 10
10:30 am
Tai Chi Club – online
Mon Aug 12
9:30 am
11:00 am
4:00 pm
What’s in the Daily News? – online
Poetry Writing Club – online
Family History/Genealogy Club – online
Tue Aug 13
1:00 pm
2:00 pm
4:30 pm
Stay Active and Independent for Life – online
Chair Yoga Club – online
Tai Chi Club – online
Thu Aug 15
11:50 am
3:00 pm
4:30 pm
All the News – online
Chair Yoga Club – online
Tai Chi Club – online
Fri Aug 16
9:30 am
11:00 am
1:00 pm
Crafts and Conversation – online
Homer, etc. – online
Stay Active and Independent for Life – online
OLLI E-News was created by Rod Zumbro, who served as its editor from 2005 to 2013.
Editorial Staff
Chief Editor: Paul Van Hemel
Associate Editor: David Gundry
Weekly Editor Team: David Gundry, John Nash, Sheri Siesseger,Paul Van Hemel Proofreaders: Rebecca Jann, Susan Van Hemel, Tom Appich, Martha Kossoff, Anne Hartshorn, Bonnie Becker, Carol McManus
Submissions: Members are encouraged to submit letters to the editor, letters to Ms. Ollie Ettakit (on etiquette matters), OLLI-related news items, articles, and photos. Submit material to: ollienewseditor@gmail.com. Deadline: Tuesday, 6:00, for that week's issue (Monday, 6:00, for letters to the editor); early submissions are greatly appreciated. Please limit articles to about 250 words. Note: You can view past issues of OLLI E-News on the DocStore. To search the content of issues, use Search Our Site or put your search term in Google followed by "site:ollidev2.earthcare.com/" without the quotes.
Field Trips are on the 3rd Friday of each month. We usually carpool from the Tallwood parking lot at 9:00 am, or meet at the designated location at 10:00 am. Field trip destinations are announced at club meetings and by email to members.
For more information, or to suggest future field trip destinations, email Lynn Cline or call her at (c) 703-789-6930.
September 16 Field Trip -- National Zoo
3001 Connecticut Ave. NW
Washington, DC
Hours: 8:00 - 6:00
Animals are most active early in the morning, therefore it is recommended to arrive when the zoo opens at 8:00am. Passes are required. They are free (except for parking) and are for the day, not a specific time. Passes can be obtained online at: https://nationalzoo.si.edu/visit/etix-entry-passes
If you walk, bike, taxi or take public transportation, you need an entry pass for each person in your group.
Limit six passes per reservation
Access the Zoo via the Connecticut Avenue or Harvard Street Bridge entrances.
NOTE: If you choose a Paid Parking Pass (option 2), you do not need entry passes for your group.
If you drive and park at the Zoo, your Paid Parking Pass covers entry for everyone in your personal vehicle. You do not need to reserve free entry passes for your group.
$30 per car
One pass per car, covers all occupants
All cars must enter the Zoo at the Connecticut Avenue entrance (3001 Connecticut Ave, NW).
Note: Lynn Cline has a zoo membership and can reserve free parking and entry for one car and its passengers.
Carpool departure time from Tallwood is 7:00 so we may arrive when the zoo opens and the animals are most active for the public.
Tidal Basin/Cherry Blossoms (was George Mason Gunston Hall and Grounds)
April 15
Sully Plantation
3560 Historic Sully Way
Chantilly, VA
Sully reflects Fairfax County history. It was the 1794 home of Richard Bland Lee, Northern Virginia's first Representative to Congress and General Robert E. Lee's uncle. Sully is on the National Register for Historic Places, is accredited by the American Association of Museums and is part of the National Park Service’s Underground Railroad Network to Freedom.
Richard Bland Lee’s home
Lee family possessions
Furnished historical rooms
Original outbuildings
Federal Period architecture
A representative slave quarter
A visitor center with gift shop
An open-hearth kitchen
Food and clothing of the 1800s
Work of a large, gentry farm
The grounds are open 9am - 5pm
The Visitor Center and Gift Shop are open 11am - 3pm.
There are House Tours available for a fee ($8 for seniors) but they are only available at 11am, 1pm and 3pm Thursday through Sunday.
There is a Forgotten Road Tour of all the outbuildings and slave quarter areas at 2pm, which is also $8 for seniors.
While a permit is required for commercial photography, for our visit, there are no restrictions on photography, whether on the grounds or in the house.
May 20
Brookside Gardens (alt. Meadowlark Gardens)
June 17
Franciscan Monastery
July 15
Kenilworth Gardens (alt. Neabsco Creek Boardwalk)
August 19
NOTE: Due to the hot weather, we will be going to the Marine Corps Museum rather than to Huntley Meadows
National Marine Corps Museum
1775 Semper Fidelis Way Triangle, Virginia
Hours: 9:00 - 5:00
Fees: Free admission and parking
As a rule, bringing food and drink is prohibited, however, visitors may bring unopened, clear water bottles no larger than 20 oz.
Museum Photography Policy
The National Museum of the Marine Corps encourages you to take photographs and video during your visit. Flash photography is NOT allowed in the vicinity of the Iwo Jima flag, and signage is posted accordingly. The Museum reserves the right to prohibit flash photography in other areas as needed to ensure that fragile objects are protected. Using your camera's flash in crowded areas may disturb others. Please respect your fellow Museum visitors.
Photographers using tripods or similar devices should be respectful of others. On busy days, the Museum may restrict use of such devices to ensure visitor safety and the flow of foot traffic throughout the galleries.
If you would like to carpool from the OLLI Tallwood campus, send an e-mail to Lynn Cline at lfhcline@gmail.com so we have a head count. Meet up time is 9:00 am.
September 16
National Zoo
3001 Connecticut Ave. NW
Washington, DC
Hours: 8:00 - 6:00
Animals are most active early in the morning, therefore it is recommended to arrive when the zoo opens at 8:00am. Passes are required. They are free (except for parking) and are for the day, not a specific time. Passes can be obtained online at:
If you walk, bike, taxi or take public transportation, you need an entry pass for each person in your group.
Limit six passes per reservation
Access the Zoo via the Connecticut Avenue or Harvard Street Bridge entrances.
NOTE: If you choose a Paid Parking Pass (option 2), you do not need entry passes for your group.
If you drive and park at the Zoo, your Paid Parking Pass covers entry for everyone in your personal vehicle. You do not need to reserve free entry passes for your group.
$30 per car
One pass per car, covers all occupants
All cars must enter the Zoo at the Connecticut Avenue entrance (3001 Connecticut Ave, NW).
Note: Lynn Cline has a zoo membership and can reserve free parking and entry for one car and its passengers.
Carpool departure time from Tallwood is 7:00 so we may arrive when the zoo opens and the animals are most active for the public.
Habitat, the Smithsonian Gardens Outdoor Exhibition This exhibit has gardens at locations around the National Mall. Each location has a theme with plants and information, and there are also some sculptures. For details on the locations and themes, as well as a map you can print out, click here: https://gardens.si.edu/exhibitions/habitat/National Native American Veterans Memorial
The National Native American Veterans Memorial opened November 11, 2020. It is on the grounds of the National Native American Indian Museum. Here is a description from the Smithsonian website: An elevated stainless-steel circle balanced on an intricately carved stone drum, the memorial is simple and powerful, timeless and inclusive. The design incorporates water for sacred ceremonies, benches for gathering and reflection, and four lances where veterans, family members, tribal leaders, and others can tie cloths for prayers and healing. For more information, click here: https://americanindian.si.edu/visit/washington/nnavm#nnavm-faqsEisenhower Memorial
The other new memorial is the Eisenhower Memorial, which opened in September 2020, located just across the street from the Air & Space Museum, at 540 Independence Avenue, SW. This Memorial is open 24 hours a day. Reports indicate it is especially nice to photograph at night since it is beautifully lit, should you choose to make more than one trip to town. More information is available here: https://www.nps.gov/ddem/planyourvisit/basicinfo.htm
Lotus and Liliesat Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens
1550 Anacostia Ave. NE
Washington, DC 20019
According to the website, the lotus flowers are popping up all around the park and are currently at 38% bloom. The lilies are out in force. Also, 7 great blue herons, 4 great egrets and 1 green heron were spotted from the boardwalk on June 30.
The park is open 8:00 - 4:00 daily. The lotus and lily festival runs July 9 - July 31, and during this time the park is open until 8:00pm on Fridays.
Sunflowers (two options)
This year it seems to be less than optimal but for those who wish to try it, here are options.
Option 1: McKee-Beshers Wildlife Management Area
Directions: From the Capital Beltway, take Exit 39 (River Road) west toward Potomac. Proceed for approximately 11 miles to the intersection of River Road and MD 112, Seneca Road. Turn left and continue on River Road for about 2 1/2 miles. McKee-Beshers will be on your left as you head west on River Road.
Apparently one of the fields has been planted with something other than sunflowers this year, and the sunflowers are currently at an early stage.
As mentioned in one of our meetings, another option for sunflowers is Burnside Farms. The website currently has only preliminary information and the farm is closed until mid-July. When they reopen, they will have fields of sunflowers. You must purchase a ticket online and the prices are not yet posted. Unlike McKee-Beshers, which is a wildlife sanctuary, this is intended for family fun, so it is a very different type of photo opportunity.
Logistics from their website: The farm does not allow reflectors, flash boxes, tripods, props or any other equipment that may get in the way of other guests enjoying their visit. We reserve the right to ask you to not use these devices if we see them in use. Regular hours are different each season and hours are dependent on how many daylight hours we have. New for 2021, we will offer limited early bird and evening ticket options (those tickets will be posted to our ticket page when they become available).
There is a unique opportunity to see an exhibit in the gardens during this visit. Contemporary American artist Kristine Mays's life-size, three-dimensional dancing wire sculptures will emerge throughout the gardens for the special exhibition Rich Soil, on view from June 26, 2021 through January 9, 2022.
Mays breathes life into wire, transforming an industrial product into fascinating and moving works of art. Springing to life throughout the 13 acres of formal gardens, 29 sculptures will surprise visitors as they dance throughout the garden beds, bursting forth from the plant life. "My hope is that the figures will spring forth like spirits rising from the soil, to be recognized, revered and embraced," Mays has explained. "May they push through while at the same time mingling and dancing among the flowers. Both plant and human beings come and go—reverberating within the cycles of life.”
Choose your favorite photo spot: Great Falls, Harper's Ferry, Skyline Drive, pumpkin fields, or your own neighborhood. Any location is fair game for sharing your photos and experiences for this theme. We'll discuss your photos at the OPC Zoom meeting October 22nd at noon.
Field Trip Schedule for 2020
January 17
Museum of Women in the Arts
1250 New York Ave, NW, Washington, DC
Opportunity to photograph Masonic building architecture, the art collection, and to see a special photography exhibit called “Live Dangerously.”
February 21
Smithsonian Natural History Museum
10th and Constitution Ave, NW, Washington, DC
March 20
National Building Museum 401 F Street, NW Museum exploring the history and impact of architecture, engineering, landscape architecture and design... The Virtual Field Trip to the NBMWelcome to the OLLI Photo Club's virtual field trip to the National Building Museum. The link above will open a YouTube video of a slide presentation given in the OLLI 2018 course, F106 Virtual Museum Tour. Slides advance every 10 seconds. Pressing the space bar will pause and restart the video. Moving the timeline cursor along the bottom of the video will position to different slides. Enjoy!.
April 17
River Farm 7931 E Boulevard Drive, Alexandria, VA Home of the American Horticultural Society, 25 landscaped acres overlooking the Potomac..WIFT - Social Distancing Survival Techniques .
April 24
WIFT - Celebrations
May 1
Reston, VA View from 22nd floor of John Hoover’s Reston building is a 360 degree look including DULLES AIRPORT, EAST & NORTH TO MARYLAND, WEST, TYSONS CORNER, MOUNTAINS, ETC.
. .WIFT - Trails and Sidewalks .
May 15
Franciscan Monastery 1400 Quincy Street, NE, Washington, DC Church and gardens.
. .WIFT - Abstracts and Pets .
May 22
WIFT - Photos of Unusual Perspective
May 29
WIFT - Landscapes: Home and Neighborhood
June 19
Green Springs Gardens
Gunston Hall 10709 Gunston Rd, Mason Neck, VA Home of George Mason, gardens and trail to the Potomac. . -- or -- . Mason Neck State Park 7301 High Point Road, Lorton, VA Park on the Belmont Bay with trails along the coast, through the marsh and woodlands.
July 3
Nearby Old Towns, Our Heritage
July 17
National Arboretum 3501 New York Ave., NE, Washington, DC Gardens representing different climates, the National Bonsai and Penjing Museum and the National Capitol Columns.
. Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens
August 21
Sully Historical Site 3650 Historic Sully Way, Chantilly, VA, 20151 Sully was completed in 1799 by Richard Bland Lee, Northern Virginia's first Representative to Congress. It is on the National Register for Historic Places and is accredited by the American Alliance of Museums.
. River Farm
7121 East Boulevard Drive in Alexandria
River Farm is the home of the American Horticultural Society, with extensive gardens along the Potomac River.
September 18
Occoquan Regional Park
9751 Ox Road
Trails along the river, Turning Point Plaza honoring women suffragists. Options to combine this with a visit to the nearby Workhouse Arts Center or the town of Occoquan.
October 16
Theodore Roosevelt Island
Off of Northbound Memorial Parkway near Key Bridge
Park with trails, views of the Potomac River. Option of bridge photos.
November 20
National Army Museum Ft. Belvoir, Virginia Museum opens in June 2020.
. Great Falls -- Maryland, Virginia, or both!
December 18
US Botanical Garden
Special Christmas display at this time.
Schedule subject to change per weather, member’s preferences and suggestions.
June 16 Yards Park (Nationals) and Blind Whino Church
July 21 Kenilworth Gardens
August 18 Museum of Natural History
September 15 Georgetown Waterfront
October 20 Freer and Sackler Galleries
Novembe 17 Holocaust Museum
December 15 National Museum of African American History and Culture
Schedule subject to change per weather, member’s preferences and suggestions
Additional Friday venues: Alexandria and Occoquan
Additional Possibilities: Folklife Festival (June 29-July 4 and July 6-9), Summit Point Racetrack (day trip – approximately 40 minutes from Dulles Airport), Scales and Tails (Cunningham Falls State Park, MD)
Allen Wright, former specialist at the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, presented a comprehensive and informative course on the story of Wonder Woman, feminism, and the history of female superheroes―summer 2024
On Friday, July 19, President Debbie Engleson opened the OLLI Board of Directors meeting at 10:00 with 14 Directors, Jennifer Disano (Executive Director), and 13 OLLI members/staff in TA‑1 and on Zoom.
We are continuing to investigate potential locations in Loudoun and Reston for classes and meetings. Cascades Senior Center and Library, which are close to our previous Loudoun campus location, share a parking lot and could meet our needs between them. Since the number of members in these locations has been reduced, we need more volunteers to help generate new memberships and support these events.
The OLLI Website Committee has been working diligently to make our website easier to navigate and more attractive to new members. Our video snippets are being completed now and will be embedded in our website, as well as be available for events and briefings.
Chair Marilyn Harriman and the Diversions Committee have been very active with events for 2024 and 2025. The Walk and Talk Club had 16 members march in the Fairfax City Fourth of July Parade. Our June OLLI Picnic at Tallwood was most successful. Events coming up into 2025 are the fall Kickoff Coffee, Oktoberfest, Game Day Bash, Holiday Party, St. Patrick’s Day, Annual Dance Party, OLLI Picnic and Potluck in the Park, and Trivia Event.
Chair Kathryn Russell and the OLLI Programming Team have been providing many wonderful classes with highly qualified teachers. They take members’ ideas and locate veteran instructors to present them, assist in developing classes, create schedules, and design the great catalogs we see each quarter. We NEED more volunteers to help and fill the team as the members are aging out.
The “Dirty Knee Club” and Mason workers have done a wonderful job planting the blooming flowerbeds around the Tallwood buildings. Mason has also been busy refurbishing our walkways between classrooms and repairing our air conditioning in TA‑1.
See you in September at our next OLLI Board Meeting in Tallwood TA‑1 and on Zoom at 10:00 on Friday, September 20.
Do you like to dance, listen to music, meet people, and have fun? Join us for a "dance club interest meeting" via Zoom on Tuesday, July 30 at 2:00. The Zoom link will be included in the OLLI daily schedule.
No expertise in dancing is needed. Your ideas and suggestions are welcome for making this another great OLLI activity. If you have questions, please email Lila Goldstein at mailto:lwgoldstein@gmail.com.
Editor’s note: This article appeared in prior E–News issues; it is repeated here to foster interest in an OLLI dance club.
By Brenda Bloch-Young and Doris Bloch, Co‑Moderators
Every Wednesday afternoon at 4:00, Team Bloch moderates an online conversation on OLLI's 24/7 chat line. Each week we choose a different topic and encourage sharing of our thoughts, experiences, and opinions.
Team Bloch's topic for July 31 is Which Option Is More Reasonable – to Rent vs. Own Where You Live?
At this point in our lives, do we really need to own the home we live in? Sure, many of us have a lot of stuff and need a place to put it. There are great storage units in the area for this. Do you want to deal with replacing windows and appliances, calling the plumber or the electrician? Maybe it is much easier to rent a home and call the superintendent when there is a problem? Throughout our lives, the consensus was to own your home. Do you think that is still true?
Join us at 4:00 on the 31st to give us your opinion(s)—lots of pros and cons on this topic. OLLI's daily-schedule email will provide you with the Zoom link.
No lush pampered lawn for me
Beautiful “weeds” under the tree
Moss abounds in the cool shade
Forming a soft pillow-like glade
Purple henbit sparkles in the green
Yellow buttercup always the queen
Squirrels finding their acorns around
Ground birds pecking as grubs abound
A pollinator’s retreat, wild blooms arise
As the sun heats brilliant blue skies
Green and wild, I’ll take lush anytime
Soon nature will show in all its prime
–Sally Sibley
*My father was an expert gardener. I am an enthusiastic wannabe. When he was quite elderly, he visited me and I was showing him all the weeds in the lawn. He said “green is green.” Sweet.
We are deeply saddened to announce the passing of Sulaiha Mastan, affectionately known to her friends as “Su.” An extraordinary woman, Su moved to our community from Malaysia and earned her PhD in clinical psychology from George Mason University.
In the early years of her career, Su served as a forensic psychologist for Fairfax County, an experience that inspired her to establish a private practice. For the past 15 years, she worked as a clinical psychologist at Kaiser Permanente, providing invaluable support to both adolescents and adults. During her tenure at Kaiser, Su created an award-winning program for transgender youth, showcasing her dedication and innovative spirit.
Beyond her professional accomplishments, Su was a cherished member of the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI). She initially joined as a student, but her commitment and passion led her to volunteer in the OLLI office and contribute significantly to the newly formed Diversity Advisory Committee, even amidst her serious illness.
Su's legacy of compassion, dedication, and service will be remembered by all who had the privilege of knowing her. She will be profoundly missed.
She is survived by her beloved daughter Helina and partner of many years, Lou Riggs. Lou can be reached at Louriggs@gmail.com.
For tickets for either Center for the Arts Concert Hall (CFA) or Hylton Center, call 1-888-945-2468. You can also buy tickets online through the event calendar (see links below) or visit the venue's box office. For more information, see the CFA ticket pageor the Hylton Center ticket purchase page.
Dr. Linda Apple Monson produces a periodic “Notes from the Director.” This email is full of information on interesting online performances by the students and faculty of the School of Music. If you would like to receive these bulletins, just sign up at this linkto stay in touch. Also, the Center for the Arts has a website,Mason Arts at Home, which has a calendar of online events and access to many past performances.
No performances this month, but single tickets for next season's performances go on sale for non-subscribers August 1. Check CFA ticket purchase page for schedule of performances.
Please note: OLLI Meetings and Clubs may currently take place in several formats: some are in person only, some are online only, and some are hybrid, meaning that they take place in person and are accessible online simultaneously. OLLI events and activities meeting online bear the identification "Z" in their course or event number (except clubs; you may need to check the OLLI calendar and daily schedule email for location and other event information). Refer to the university's coronavirus website for official university updates.
The following list covering the next two weeks is extracted for your convenience from the master online calendar maintained by the office. The list is accurate as of mid-week, but for the most up-to-date information, please view the latest forecast of coming events on our website (News/OLLI Calendar). Note: All OLLI members are welcome at, and encouraged to attend, meetings of the Board of Directors, committees and resource groups, kick-off coffees, etc. The OLLI office has sent (or will send) emails with links and meeting passwords to club members; you may also log in at the member portal and click on ZOOM CLASS LINKS.
Sat Jul 27
10:30 am
Tai Chi Club – online
Mon Jul 29
9:30 am
10:00 am
4:00 pm
What’s in the Daily News? – online
Bridge Club
Family History/Genealogy Club – online
Tue Jul 30
1:00 pm
2:00 pm
4:30 pm
Stay Active and Independent for Life – online
Dance Club Interest Meeting – online
Tai Chi Club – online
Wed Jul 31
4:00 pm
Conversation with Team Bloch – online
Thu Aug 1
4:30 pm
Tai Chi Club – online
Fri Aug 2
9:30 am
9:30 am
9:30 am
11:00 am
1:00 pm
Dabbling Artists
Mah Jongg Club
Crafts and Conversation
Homer, etc. – online
Stay Active and Independent for Life – online
Sat Aug 3
10:30 am
Tai Chi Club – online
Mon Aug 5
9:30 am
11:00 am
What’s in the Daily News? – online
Poetry Reading Club – online
Tue Aug 6
1:00 pm
2:00 pm
4:30 pm
Stay Active and Independent for Life – online
Chair Yoga Club – online
Tai Chi Club – online
Wed Aug 7
2:00 pm
4:00 pm
4:00 pm
Memoir and More Writing Group – online
Mah Jongg Club – online
Spanish Club – online
Thu Aug 8
11:50 am
3:00 pm
4:30 pm
All the News – online
Chair Yoga Club – online
Tai Chi Club – online
Fri Aug 9
9:30 am
9:30 am
11:00 am
11:30 am
1:00 pm
2:30 pm
2:30 pm
Photography Club – online
Crafts and Conversation
Homer, etc. – online
Cooking Club
Stay Active and Independent for Life – online
Tallwood Book Club – online
Caregivers Support Group – online
OLLI E-News was created by Rod Zumbro, who served as its editor from 2005 to 2013.
Editorial Staff
Chief Editor: Paul Van Hemel
Associate Editor: David Gundry
Weekly Editor Team: David Gundry, John Nash, Sheri Siesseger,Paul Van Hemel Proofreaders: Rebecca Jann, Susan Van Hemel, Tom Appich, Martha Kossoff, Anne Hartshorn, Bonnie Becker, Carol McManus
Submissions: Members are encouraged to submit letters to the editor, letters to Ms. Ollie Ettakit (on etiquette matters), OLLI-related news items, articles, and photos. Submit material to: ollienewseditor@gmail.com. Deadline: Tuesday, 6:00, for that week's issue (Monday, 6:00, for letters to the editor); early submissions are greatly appreciated. Please limit articles to about 250 words. Note: You can view past issues of OLLI E-News on the DocStore. To search the content of issues, use Search Our Site or put your search term in Google followed by "site:ollidev2.earthcare.com/" without the quotes.
OLLI Personal Computer User Group meets Saturday, July 20 (tomorrow) in person and via Zoom; check the OLLI daily-schedule email for the Zoom link and other information.
The next issue of OLLI E-News will be published Friday, July 26; the regular deadline for submission of items is Tuesday, July 23, at 6:00.
Do you like to dance, listen to music, meet people, and have fun? Join us for a "dance club interest meeting" via Zoom on Tuesday, July 30 at 2:00. The Zoom link will be included in the OLLI daily schedule.
No expertise in dancing is needed. Your ideas and suggestions are welcome for making this another great OLLI activity.
If you have questions, please email Lila Goldstein at
Editor’s note: This article appeared in a prior E–News issue; it is repeated here to foster interest in an OLLI dance club.
Is it hot enough for you? Summer heat always seems to occur during the summer―a no brainer, huh?―but in the last few years, the summers have seemed to be hotter and sooner. You recall the pronouncement last year that “2023 will be the coolest summer we will have for a long time.” And it was HOT last summer! These are definitely the "dog days of summer!"
So how did we get the term “dog days of summer?” Since there is some space in this week's E-News―and I'm the editor―a little research will tell us.
This reference to the hot summer months is nothing new. The "dog days of summer" refers to the hottest and most humid period of the year, traditionally lasting from July 3 to August 11. This term originates from ancient Greek and Roman times and is connected to the star Sirius, known as the Dog Star, which is part of the constellation Canis Major (the Greater Dog).
Ancient Greeks noticed that Sirius rose and set with the sun during this period, coinciding with the hottest days of the year. They believed that the combined heat from Sirius and the sun caused the extreme temperatures. The term "dog days" comes from the Latin phrase "dies caniculares," meaning "days of the dog star.”
In ancient Egypt, Sirius's rising also signaled the annual flooding of the Nile, an event crucial for agriculture. However, in Greek and Roman mythology, this period was often seen as a time of misfortune, associated with drought, fever, and bad luck. The Old Farmers' Almanac helped readers (mostly farmers) blame any crop disasters, like no rain or intense summer heat, on the "dog days of summer."
While the appearance of Sirius does not actually affect the weather, the association with the hottest part of summer has persisted. Today, the "dog days" are still recognized as the peak of summer heat, influenced primarily by the Earth's tilt and the resulting direct sunlight. And maybe a little "global warming" is helping, too!
So now you know about the “dog days of summer.” Advice: stay inside, stay cool, and be glad we're not in Arizona!
The July 2024 Photo of the Month theme was The Color Green. We selected John Olsen's photo "Steptoe Butte," which may also be viewed at this page. To view other photos by members of the Photography Club, visit the club's photo website. -- By John Olsen and Edward Marion, Photography Club Co-Coordinators
the mall is awash in plaid shorts
a security guard listens to Boy George on the radio
you come and go, you come and go
there’s a strange scent in the air
coconut cream pie latte
mother and daughter pairs stroll by
dressed like Barbie and Midge with matching purses
how much energy it takes to look like everyone else
toddlers in training on a perfect summer day
marching up and down the aisles of plenty
some day this all will be theirs
young men wearing jeans with the crotch around their knees
sunshine streams in through the skylight
you can almost feel a breeze
Norm Nelson, former OLLI member who joined in the fall of 2009, died in Annandale on July 12, 2024. After service as an officer in the Navy, he attended the University of Illinois, obtaining a law degree. Norm enjoyed studies in history and music.
There will be a memorial visitation at 12:00 and a service at 1:00 on Sunday, July 21, 2024, at the Fairfax Memorial Funeral Home, 9902 Braddock Road, Fairfax, VA. Further information is available at this link.
For tickets for either Center for the Arts Concert Hall (CFA) or Hylton Center, call 1-888-945-2468. You can also buy tickets online through the event calendar (see links below) or visit the venue's box office. For more information, see the CFA ticket pageor the Hylton Center ticket purchase page.
Dr. Linda Apple Monson produces a periodic “Notes from the Director.” This email is full of information on interesting online performances by the students and faculty of the School of Music. If you would like to receive these bulletins, just sign up at this linkto stay in touch. Also, the Center for the Arts has a website,Mason Arts at Home, which has a calendar of online events and access to many past performances.
No performances this month, but single tickets for next season's performances go on sale for non-subscribers August 1. Check CFA ticket purchase page for schedule of performances.
Please note: OLLI Meetings and Clubs may currently take place in several formats: some are in person only, some are online only, and some are hybrid, meaning that they take place in person and are accessible online simultaneously. OLLI events and activities meeting online bear the identification "Z" in their course or event number (except clubs; you may need to check the OLLI calendar and daily schedule email for location and other event information). Refer to the university's coronavirus website for official university updates.
The following list covering the next two weeks is extracted for your convenience from the master online calendar maintained by the office. The list is accurate as of mid-week, but for the most up-to-date information, please view the latest forecast of coming events on our website (News/OLLI Calendar). Note: All OLLI members are welcome at, and encouraged to attend, meetings of the Board of Directors, committees and resource groups, kick-off coffees, etc. The OLLI office has sent (or will send) emails with links and meeting passwords to club members; you may also log in at the member portal and click on ZOOM CLASS LINKS.
Sat Jul 20
10:30 am
1:00 pm
Tai Chi Club – online
Personal Computer User Group
Mon Jul 22
9:30 am
10:00 am
10:00 am
What’s in the Daily News? – online
Board Game Club
Bridge Club
Tue Jul 23
1:00 pm
4:30 pm
Stay Active and Independent for Life – online
Tai Chi Club – online
Wed Jul 24
2:00 pm
4:00 pm
4:00 pm
4:00 pm
7:00 pm
Memoir and More Writing Group – online
Mah Jongg Club – online
Theater Lovers’ Group
Conversation with Team Bloch – online
New Zealand and Ireland Travel – online
Thu Jul 25
4:30 pm
6:00 pm
7:00 pm
Tai Chi Club – online
Ethnic Eats Club – online
Canada and Portugal Travel – online
Fri Jul 26
9:30 am
10:00 am
11:00 am
12:00 noon
1:00 pm
2:30 pm
Crafts and Conversation
Spanish Club
Homer, etc. – online
Photography Club
Stay Active and Independent for Life – online
Caregivers Support Group – online
Sat Jul 27
10:30 am
Tai Chi Club – online
Mon Jul 29
9:30 am
10:00 am
4:00 pm
What’s in the Daily News? – online
Bridge Club
Family History/Genealogy Club – online
Tue Jul 30
1:00 pm
2:00 pm
4:30 pm
Stay Active and Independent for Life – online
Dance Club Interest Meeting – online
Tai Chi Club – online
Wed Jul 31
4:00 pm
Conversation with Team Bloch – online
Thu Aug 1
4:30 pm
Tai Chi Club – online
Fri Aug 2
9:30 am
9:30 am
9:30 am
11:00 am
1:00 pm
Dabbling Artists
Mah Jongg Club
Crafts and Conversation
Homer, etc. – online
Stay Active and Independent for Life – online
Sat Aug 3
10:30 am
Tai Chi Club – online
About OLLI E-News
OLLI E-News was created by Rod Zumbro, who served as its editor from 2005 to 2013.
Editorial Staff
Chief Editor: Paul Van Hemel
Associate Editor: David Gundry
Weekly Editor Team: David Gundry, John Nash, Sheri Siesseger,Paul Van Hemel Proofreaders: Rebecca Jann, Susan Van Hemel, Tom Appich, Martha Kossoff, Anne Hartshorn, Bonnie Becker, Carol McManus
Submissions: Members are encouraged to submit letters to the editor, letters to Ms. Ollie Ettakit (on etiquette matters), OLLI-related news items, articles, and photos. Submit material to: ollienewseditor@gmail.com. Deadline: Tuesday, 6:00, for that week's issue (Monday, 6:00, for letters to the editor); early submissions are greatly appreciated. Please limit articles to about 250 words. Note: You can view past issues of OLLI E-News on the DocStore. To search the content of issues, use Search Our Site or put your search term in Google followed by "site:ollidev2.earthcare.com/" without the quotes.
JohnMiller, US Navy Vice Admiral (Ret.), Presented an Informative Analysisofthe Growing Danger of Strategic Competition, Confrontation, and Conflict; July 3
By Kathryn Russell, OLLI Program Committee Co-Chair
Have you noticed that OLLI catalogs are becoming heftier? That’s because our choices have grown substantially in recent years. Each term we choose from a stunning array of courses, special events, clubs, and ongoing activities. Then there’s the added advantage of choosing among in-person, Zoom, and hybrid classes. As we’re enjoying this fabulous summer term and anticipating the arrival of the fall catalog soon, this is a good time to reflect on how all these wonderful activities come into being. And to consider becoming a program volunteer.
There’s no magic involved. We begin with ideas generated not only by program planners, but also by many OLLI members. For example, you may come up with an idea inspired by a class you’re currently taking. You may discover a fascinating idea in the media or some other source. Or perhaps you’re thinking of teaching a class.
We invite you to come along and join in the process of program making. You’ll find so many rewards when you become an OLLI program volunteer. Volunteers often speak of the personal satisfaction that comes from sharing their talents with appreciative OLLI audiences. And they enjoy the camaraderie of their peers who share common interests.
One easy way to get involved is to attend one of the program planning group meetings that are held periodically, usually by Zoom. Look for announcements of these meetings in the E-News. For more information, contact one of the program planning leaders listed at the beginning of each subject area of the OLLI catalog. Or let one of the Program Committee co-chairs know about your interest. We want to hear from you!
Opportunities to Join the OLLI E-News Editorial Team
By Paul Van Hemel, E-News Chief Editor
If you love OLLI and are interested in an easy way to contribute a volunteer effort to the organization, here’s an opportunity to do so by becoming a member of the E-News editorial team. By serving one day every four or five weeks as Editor of the Week, you can have a positive impact on OLLI and enjoy a pleasant journalistic experience. We have openings for a couple of new editors.
E-News is one of several OLLI publications that is created using MailChimp software. We will teach you what you need to know and be able to do to put together an E-News issue. You don’t have to generate content, which generally is submitted by OLLI-member coordinators for committees, clubs, and activities. If you are interested and have questions or would like to know more, please contact me at ollienewseditor@gmail.com. Thanks!
Jerry Cheng, our instructor, has taught 500 classes for the Tai Chi Club on Zoom! He reached this milestone at the end of June. When the pandemic started in May 2020, Jerry suggested that we could benefit from the gentle exercise of Tai Chi three times a week, not just on Saturdays. We have classes at 4:30 on Tuesdays and Thursdays, allowing Jerry to return from work at his law practice, and also at 10:30 on Saturday mornings.
After the pandemic restrictions were reduced, Jerry has needed to miss teaching some classes because of court dates or client consultations. The OLLI members who host the meetings share a recent recording of a Tai Chi session when that happens. The 500-class milestone mentioned in the first sentence is when Jerry has been in-person on Zoom (is that an oxymoron?).
Some members miss seeing others in the TA-3 classroom, but others are quite pleased to exercise in private, avoiding traffic and parking challenges, and moving chairs before and after each lesson. Many OLLI members have been pleased to discover the benefits of regular physical activity that would not be possible without a virtual option at OLLI. Thank you, Jerry, for providing this opportunity for us!
Change of Date for Wednesday Chat Session This Coming Week
By Brenda Bloch-Young and Doris Bloch, Co‑Moderators
Team Bloch is unable to host the usual conversation hour on Wednesday, July 17. However, we are rescheduling, for this week only, to Tuesday, July 16 at 4:00. The proposed topic will be a discussion of all the careers and jobs that are no longer viable or much in demand (e.g., secretary, shoe repairman/woman, itinerant knife sharpener, union steward) and what jobs and careers have popped up to replace them (e.g., computer programmer, influencer, equal opportunity officer). Since we left school, worker demand has changed significantly!
Look for us in the coming week on Tuesday the 16th—we should be on the OLLI Daily Schedule, but you can always log into the 24/7 chat line to find us.
The Computer Club (OLLI Personal Computer User Group, or OPCUG) will meet with its partner, the Potomac Area Technology and Computer Society (PATACS) on Saturday, July 20, in person and via Zoom. The Zoom session opens at 12:45.
Secure File Deletion—Presented by John Krout
This presentation will help you understand how Windows stores your files. When you choose to delete a file, Windows delete a file you choose in a way that allows a File Recovery application to recover the deleted file, including the file name and the file data, during a limited time window. You will learn about Recuva, a zero-cost File Recovery application.
Sometimes, though, you want to make sure a file is deleted securely, in a way that prevents recovery of it. Examples include:
your gift idea list for anyone else in your house sharing use of the computer
before lending or donating the computer to a young techie-to-be who has no qualms about snooping around in the computer
if you sell the computer or send it out for repair.
You will learn what Secure File Deletion does to prevent file recovery in such cases. You will learn how to use that capability in three applications: CCleaner, File Shredder, both of which are zero-cost, and System Mechanic, a commercial application.
John Krout is a frequent presenter at our meetings on a wide range of computer, technology, and photography topics, and author of many articles for the PATACS Posts newsletter.
Windows Virtual Machines (VM): the What, Why, and How—Presented by Roger Fujii
This will be a quick primer on some Virtual Machine (VM) options available on Windows 10/11. It will cover what VMs are, what one would use a VM for, and how to set it up. Bring your questions about this little known but potentially highly‑useful technology.
Roger Fujii has helped OLLI with technology challenges for its email and LAN systems since 2006 and has been a PATACS stalwart since the ‘80s.
See full details on this meeting by clicking here. For information on the Computer Club, see the OPCUG Website. OPCUG dues are $5 and are now due for 2024 (and 2023, if you didn’t get around to paying last year!)—see http://olligmu.org/opcug/comm.html for details on making payment.
To attend via Zoom’s cloud meeting service, beginning at 12:45, please click this link to join the meeting and use passcode 815677 (Note: enter passcode with NO spaces) or enter meeting ID 849 1732 2131 in the Zoom app and use the above passcode (preferred method), or dial in at 301-715-8592.
For tickets for either Center for the Arts Concert Hall (CFA) or HyltonCenter, call 1-888-945-2468. You can also buy tickets online through the event calendar (see the CFA ticket page link below) or visit the venue's box office. For more information, see the CFA ticket pageor the Hylton Center ticket purchase page.
Dr. Linda Apple Monson produces a periodic “Notes from the Director.” This email is full of information on interesting online performances by the students and faculty of the School of Music. If you would like to receive these bulletins, just sign up at this link to stay in touch. Also, the Center for the Arts has a websiteMason Arts at Home, which has a calendar of online events and access to many past performances.
Please note: OLLI Meetings and Clubs may currently take place in several formats: some are in person only, some are online only, and some are hybrid, meaning that they take place in person and are accessible online simultaneously. OLLI events and activities meeting online bear the identification "Z" in their course or event number (except clubs; you may need to check the OLLI calendar and daily schedule email for location and other event information). Refer to the university's coronavirus website for official university updates.
The following list covering the next two weeks is extracted for your convenience from the master online calendar maintained by the office. The list is accurate as of mid-week, but for the most up-to-date information, please view the latest forecast of coming events on our website (News/OLLI Calendar). Note: All OLLI members are welcome at, and encouraged to attend, meetings of the Board of Directors, committees and resource groups, kick-off coffees, etc., bolded below. The OLLI office has sent (or will send) emails with links and meeting passwords to club members; you may also log in at the member portal and click on ZOOM CLASS LINKS.
Sat Jul 13
10:30 am
Tai Chi Club – online
Mon Jul 15
9:30 am
10:00 am
4:00 pm
What’s in the Daily News? – online
Bridge Club
Family History/Genealogy Club – online
Tue Jul 16
1:00 pm
4:00 pm
4:30 pm
Stay Active and Independent for Life – online
Conversation with Team Bloch – online
Tai Chi Club – online
Wed Jul 17
4:00 pm
Spanish Club – online
Thu Jul 18
4:30 pm
Tai Chi Club – online
Fri Jul 19
9:30 am
9:30 am
9:30 am
10:00 am
11:00 am
1:00 pm
Dabbling Artists Club
Mah Jongg Club
Crafts and Conversation Board of Directors Meeting
Homer, etc. – online
Stay Active and Independent for Life – online
Sat Jul 20
10:30 am
1:00 pm
Tai Chi Club – online
Personal Computer User Group
Mon Jul 22
9:30 am
10:00 am
10:00 am
What’s in the Daily News? – online
Board Game Club
Bridge Club
Tue Jul 23
1:00 pm
4:30 pm
Stay Active and Independent for Life – online
Tai Chi Club – online
Wed Jul 24
2:00 pm
4:00 pm
4:00 pm
4:00 pm
7:00 pm
Memoir and More Writing Group – online
Mah Jongg Club – online
Theater Lovers’ Group
Conversation with Team Bloch – online
New Zealand and Ireland Travel – online
Thu Jul 25
4:30 pm
6:00 pm
7:00 pm
Tai Chi Club – online
Ethnic Eats Club – online
Canada and Portugal Travel – online
Fri Jul 26
9:30 am
10:00 am
11:00 am
12:00 noon
1:00 pm
2:30 pm
Crafts and Conversation
Spanish Club
Homer, etc. – online
Photography Club
Stay Active and Independent for Life – online
Caregivers Support Group – online
OLLI E-News was created by Rod Zumbro, who served as its editor from 2005 to 2013.
Editorial Staff
Chief Editor: Paul Van Hemel
Associate Editor: David Gundry
Weekly Editor Team: David Gundry, John Nash, Sheri Siesseger,Paul Van Hemel Proofreaders: Rebecca Jann, Susan Van Hemel, Tom Appich, Martha Kossoff, Anne Hartshorn, Bonnie Becker, Carol McManus
Submissions: Members are encouraged to submit letters to the editor, letters to Ms. Ollie Ettakit (on etiquette matters), OLLI-related news items, articles, and photos. Submit material to: ollienewseditor@gmail.com. Deadline: Tuesday, 6:00, for that week's issue (Monday, 6:00, for letters to the editor); early submissions are greatly appreciated. Please limit articles to about 250 words. Note: You can view past issues of OLLI E-News on the DocStore. To search the content of issues, use Search Our Site or put your search term in Google followed by "site:ollidev2.earthcare.com/" without the quotes.