This has definitely been a spring and summer that we will not forget. First, we were introduced to a
very scary pandemic of a new corona virus and now, on top of that, we are seeing violence and
protests in many cities. Take a deep breath and look at the picture above to take yourself to a happy
place. We will survive these crises and OLLI is helping us do that. Who would have thought that we
would be participating virtually in so many classes and clubs and really liking it? For the technically
challenged it has been a jump in the learning curve to master Zoom and all it offers. A big thank you
to all those that put this together for all of us.
It has been a joy to see OLLI friends on Zoom and talk with them about classes and what they are
doing while in quarantine. How many projects have you accomplished? How many honey-to-do lists
were completed? Netflix, Disney Plus and Amazon Prime have entertained many as well as lots of
books that we finally got to read. Masks are the new essential face coverings and there are millions
being made with designs galore.
So in this happier vein, let me review spring term. Because of the Zoom technology, we are all able to
partake in offerings across all three campuses without leaving home. I hope you all found classes that
you really enjoyed. I specifically enjoyed the Creative Cauldron classes and the Friday social gettogethers.
I had to get used to Zoom so I know I opted out of some noteworthy classes. I will do
better this summer!
Summer Term 2020
Looking forward, OLLI classes will be provided virtually summer through fall term, so let’s take a look
at the fabulous offerings ahead. Here are some interesting classes/events organized by your Loudoun
programming colleagues that I thought worth noting (as well as a few others). Register for all via the
OLLI member portal: https://olligmu.augusoft.net/
1. 1101 Coffee and Conversation organized by the Loudoun site assistant
Monday, 10–11:30, June 22
Grab a cup of coffee or tea and some cookies (and maybe a donut) and kick off the new term
at this casual online gathering. Everyone is welcome to enjoy the camaraderie.
2. L206 Selling Your Home, A Guide for the Mature Seller and Their Family
Wednesdays, 11:50–1:15, July 22–July 29
Instructor: Helen Flynn
This course will provide information and guidance on the following topics: knowing when it is
time to move, options for where to live, what to do with your “stuff,” legal and financial
issues related to selling, disbursement of funds, and how to manage the estate of a parent
locally or elsewhere.
3. L604 Secrets of the Bible
Tuesdays, 9:40–11:05, June 23–July 7
Instructor: Rabbi Chaim Cohen
A lush garden… a snake… forbidden fruit… temptation… the sin of knowledge… shame…
mortality... What is really going on? Revisit six seemingly absurd stories you likely remember
from Hebrew school or Sunday school.
4. L806 Vanishing Worlds
Wednesdays, 11:50–1:15, July 22–July 29
Instructor: Joyce Johnston
July 22: Light Grows as Life Fades Above the Arctic Circle.
July 29: The Baltic Minorities: Bright, Beautiful, and Almost Gone
5. L901 Shopping Five Grocery Stores
Thursdays, 11:50–1:15, June 25–July 2
Instructor: Robert Cather
This course will teach you how to make choices and help you learn which stores offer the
highest quality at the best prices.
6. 1204 Grab 'n' Gab Virtual Coffee Klatch
Thursday, June 18 from 9:30 to 11:00
Grab a cup of coffee and favorite pastry and enjoy between-term socializing online. All
members welcome.
7. Speaking of coffee klatches, the Olli Players will be performing at the OLLI Coffee Klatch on
July 24. We also have been asked to perform for you at the Fall Term Kick Off Coffee on
September 17. Zoom is new to us as a performing group so we have been rehearsing and
seeing what we can do.
Alerts and Notices!
Zoom: Make sure that you have updated your account. Also, Zoom training will be
offered Tuesday, June 16 from 11:00 to noon. Click here to
join: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84929969081. To join by phone: Dial +1 929 205 6099 or
+1 301 715 8592 Webinar ID: 849 2996 9081
Spread the Word! Tell your friends and family about the OLLI classes you are taking this
summer and see if OLLI online learning is of interest. Share with them the updated
summer catalog found at: https://ollidev2.earthcare.com/wpcontent/
OLLI Mason was featured on the May 20 episode of Mature Living by the Fairfax County
Department of Cable and Community Services; click here to view.
OLLI Mason featured prominently in The Libraries at Mason (Spring 2020) publication; the
publication may be viewed at this link.
This is the news from Loudoun and some other corners of OLLI. Take care, social distance and wear a
creative and fun mask. Until next time, this is Kathie West signing off.