F418 OLLI Players Workshop
Mondays, 9:40–11:05, Jan. 25-Feb. 15
Clifton Lord of Life
Instructor: Kathie West
This is a continuing acting and producing workshop for serious theater-minded participants by The OLLI Players, an amateur theater group affiliated with George Mason. We have already performed at various venues. In our repertoire we have lyrics, short scenes, and are currently working on a play. This will be continued from the spring session and then performed. We will premiere the play at OLLI and then perform for possible other venues. If you have a scene or a play you would like to see put on, bring it along, and we will try it. You will learn the ins and outs of presentation, memorization skills, and acting tricks. If we are asked to perform at a hospital, senior center or other venues, you must be willing to travel during the day. Be able and willing to tout OLLI and your talents!
Kathie West, an OLLI member, is a former high school theater teacher at Robert E. Lee High School and Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology.