Do You Live in a 55+ Community? We Need Your Expertise!
By Debby Mossburg, Outreach Committee Chair
This fall, the hybrid class Moving on Up (F902/F902Z) will explore a variety of options for senior living. We have a wonderful range of presenters from communities with a number of price points and levels of support. However, we have a huge gap when it comes to established 55+ communities where homes are primarily available only through resale.
We are looking for people who own or rent a cottage, RV, single-family home, duplex, four-plex, townhome, or condo in a 55-plus community. Would you be willing to sit on a panel to share your insights about this lifestyle choice during our final class on November 6 at 2:15? We will have both in-person (Tallwood) and Zoom seats available for the panel. Please email if you think this is something you might be willing to do. Thanks in advance!
We all know there are many ways to facilitate successful aging. One way is keeping our brains healthy, and new research indicates that a key to protecting the brain and maintaining cognition is to volunteer. Please read the following articles and consider volunteering at OLLI.
There are many ways you can volunteer your time. OLLI needs you! Thank you.
Editor’s note: This article appeared in a recent issue of OLLI ENews; it is repeated here to encourage all members to reap the benefits of volunteering at OLLI.
By Camille Hodges, OLLI Board Member/Humanities and Social Sciences, Current Events Program Planning Group Co Chair
OLLI invites you to share your expertise on topics that reflect your knowledge in any area. Currently, OLLI members have expressed the desire to have classes on the following topics:
“Agree to Disagree” Respectfully
Cultural linguistics
Comparing Education in America with Other Countries
Historical Pros and Cons of Vaccinations
Your topic of expertise.
If you have an interest in teaching OLLI courses via (Zoom/hybrid or in-person), have questions or ideas of your own, please contact any of the following HSS/CE committee chairpersons or Program Associates:
With social activities back on campus, this year’s OLLI Fall Kick-Off Coffee, September 14, will also feature an activities fair. Scheduled for 10:00-11:30 in the Social Room Annex at Tallwood campus, the event will let you come at 10:00, give you time to talk with your friends and check out the clubs, social events, and local and international trips available through June 2024.
The OLLI administrative staff and the Diversions Committee will provide delicious refreshments. Hot coffee and tea will be available in the Social Room, and cold beverages and baked goods will be available in TA-1 and the Annex classroom, where the main event will be held.
This is a wonderful opportunity for all those who have missed seeing their friends in person since spring term to catch up with each other. For our new members, what an excellent opportunity to get to know other OLLI members, both old and new.
You will also have an opportunity to learn about changes in OLLI operations, facilities, and programming, presented by our executive director and the president of OLLI-Mason, with plenty of time for questions. We’ll even have a tour of the Tallwood facilities for our new members, including the Dirty Knee Club’s flower gardens and the infamous “potty barn.”
Please join us on September 14! Register for event 1201 via the member portal or contact the registrar at
The Diversions Committee is excited to announce two additional events for this fall term. Shinrin-yoku, the Japanese practice of contemplative walking in nature, will be held with a certified guide on the Tallwood Campus on Saturday, September 30, from 10:00-12:00 noon. The outdoor experience has been shown to decrease stress-related hormones and lower blood pressure. Our guide, Ana Leilani Ka'ahanui, will teach techniques for deep breathing and body-mind awareness, keeping the mind in the present as we explore the outdoors. To learn more about the event, log into member portal and enter F817 in the search box.
Why not end the fall term with some creativity? On Friday, November 17, 2:30-5:00, you can party with paint and socialize with your OLLI friends at the same time. At the end of a two-and-a-half-hour workshop, you’ll take home a fall landscape painting you design individually. We’ll meet at Muse Paint Bar in the Mosaic District, Fairfax, and get instruction from a professional artist who will show us tips and techniques to craft an original work of art. The outing cost of $50 includes instruction, all supplies, brownie snacks, and liquid refreshments. To learn more about this event and register, log into the member portal and enter 1204 in the search box.
The Computer Club (OLLI Personal Computer User Group, or OPCUG) will meet with its partner, the Potomac Area Technology and Computer Society (PATACS) on Saturday, September 16, at 1:00, in person and via Zoom. The Zoom session usually opens at 12:45.
American Secrets: Virtual Tour—Presented by Jennifer Wilcox
Experience the National Cryptologic Museum from your chair! This virtual tour introduces you to the secret of secrets. Beginning with invisible ink and hidden messages of the American Revolution through the first super computers and everything in between, the tour will take you through the history of American cryptology. This live presentation highlights the history, technology, and people bringing the secret world of secrets to you.
Jennifer Wilcox has been the Director of Education at the National Security Agency’s National Cryptologic Museum since 1999. Her research and presentations cover topics including women in American cryptology, Native American code talkers, as well as the popular Enigma story.
Learn in 30: A Home Router Security Issue; Diagnose and Fix It—Presented by John Krout
This presentation involves a feature of Linksys and perhaps other brands of home routers. Each router provides a set of administrative Web pages enabling you to customize the router. The presenter found out by accident that his Linksys router also makes those admin Web pages available from outside the home network, i.e., from anywhere on the Internet. The router makers may believe that this is a valuable feature. However, the default login credentials for those administrative Web pages are publicly known and posted on Web sites for many brands of home routers. Anyone who knows the IP address of your router can log in and change your router's behavior, including its password, without your knowledge.
Learn: how to determine your router's Internet IP address, how that IP address can be found by a bad apple, and what you can change in your router's administrative Web pages to prevent easy access by others on the outside.
John Krout is a frequent presenter at our meetings on a wide range of computer, technology and photography topics, and author of many articles for the PATACS Posts newsletter.
To attend via Zoom’s cloud meeting service, beginning at 12:45, please click this link to join the meeting and use passcode 206627 (Note: enter passcode with NO spaces) or enter meeting ID 860 6157 6830 in the Zoom app and use the above passcode (preferred method).
By Joanne Fitzgerald, Crafts and Conversation Member
Arts, crafts, and other creative activities have many benefits, particularly for those of us who are retired. Crafts keep the mind active and help prevent anxiety. They also grant a sense of accomplishment and achievement.
Crafts allow us to make keepsakes, apparel, and artwork for gifts or to give to those in need. Crafting can take many forms—it doesn’t just have to be knitting and crochet, but can include painting—even paint by numbers—mosaics, mixed media, journaling and scrapbooking, card-making, coloring, collage, calligraphy, jewelry making, and woodworking. If you can dream it, you can make it.
Crafting can also help build community. Joining OLLI’s Crafts and Conversation club gives you an outlet for sharing those crafting accomplishments. We love to share our current projects and our favorite crafting books and resources. We also share information on places to donate our crafts. The conversations are not always only about crafts—we share information on local events, places to eat, and things to do. Why not consider joining us for a couple of Crafts and Conversation sessions to meet some of your fellow OLLI members? Come make new friends!
The Tallwood Book Club will be discussing the following books this fall:
September: The Magnificent Lives of Marjorie Post by Allison Pataki
October: Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi
November: Circe by Madeline Miller
December: Chesapeake Requiem by Earl Swift.
We have been scheduled to meet at Tallwood on the second Wednesday, September 13 at 10:00. If the weather permits, we will use the outdoor seating at Tallwood at that time.
By Norma Jean Reck, Coordinator, Theater Lovers’ Group, with Jane Hassell and Jean Tatalias
The Theater Lovers' Group (TLG) 2023-2024 theater season offers many fabulous events. Each event includes an optional dinner that provides theater goers with the opportunity for socialization with other theater lovers. The following events are sure to please you (click on this link for a detailed description of the season and events in this article.
Sunday, September 24 at 2:00: Hitchcock's The 39 Steps TLG will attend a matinee performance of The 39 Steps at NextStop Theatre in Herndon, followed by an optional supper at a nearby restaurant. Contact Norma Reck ( to obtain tickets at the OLLI group rate of $36 plus $2.00 fee, and don't delay—NextStop is a small intimate theater (114 seats).
Sunday, October 15: Deathtrap by Ira Levin
We will go to see the Providence Players perform one of the biggest hits ever on Broadway. Details TBA.
Saturday, October 21: Performances of two Shakespearian Plays (Much Ado about Nothing and Hamlet) in the Blackfriars Theater at the American Shakespeare Center in Staunton, Virginia Be sure to sign up for the TLG October 21 trip to Staunton. The OLLI course number is 1003 (register at the member portal). We will also have a get-acquainted coffee at Tallwood on Friday, September 15 at 10:00 for those signing up. With the OLLI discount, each play is $48. We also have a limited number of rooms available at a discounted rate of $135 plus taxes at the Best Western Staunton, for those who want to stay over on Saturday night. For questions, call Jean Tatalias at 571-447-7977. Or email Jean at
Remember to Register for the Theater Lovers' Group
Remember that each term you must register for clubs again. If you don't, your name will be removed from the membership list and you will not receive any emails, etc. If you would like to know more about TLG activities, go to page 32 of your fall 2023 catalog for a description of activities. If you would like to join TLG, go online and register for it as you would for a class. Everyone, as well as guests, is welcome.
Wednesday Team Bloch Conversations—September 13 and 20
By Brenda Bloch-Young and Doris Bloch, Co‑Moderators
Continuing our Wednesday Conversations series, Team Bloch (Brenda Bloch-Young and Doris Bloch) will moderate a Zoom discussion on September 13 at 4:00 and one on September 20 at 4:00 as well.
The topic for Wednesday September 13 conversation with Team Bloch will be Frauds and Scams. Those of us of a certain age are said to be particularly vulnerable to fraudsters, something that we want to discuss with as many members as possible. There are as many avenues for fraud as imaginable—surely you have received many an email offer of credit or survey reward gift cards. Perhaps you have gotten the dreaded phone call from a “family member in trouble” who needs money right away? No need to confess to or share any past personal experiences of your own; just chime in and add whatever you feel comfortable with. We will provide you with some supporting resources—knowledge is half the battle.
The topic for Wednesday September 20 conversation with Team Bloch will be What’s On Your Bucket List and What Is On Your Chuck-It List? Some of us hope to accomplish certain things in our remaining years; some of us have become more realistic about the list of desired accomplishments as we review them. Where do you sit on this list-making/list-paring spectrum? Love to hear your thoughts!
Check your daily schedule for the Zoom link on Wednesdays and plan on some social time with Team Bloch on both days.
For tickets for either Center for the Arts Concert Hall (CFA) or Hylton Center, call 1-888-945-2468, buy tickets online through the event calendar (see links below), or visit the venue's box office. For more information, see the CFA ticket pageor the Hylton Center ticket purchase page.
Dr. Linda Apple Monson produces a periodic “Notes from the Director.” This email is full of interesting online performances by the students and faculty of the School of Music. If you would like to receive these bulletins, just sign up at this link to stay in touch. Also, the Center for the Arts has a website,Mason Arts at Home, which has a calendar of online events and access to many past performances.
Please note: Although some physical meetings for clubs and activities are canceled, some may be meeting in person or, in a hybrid mode, both in person and online. OLLI events and activities meeting online bear the identification "Z" in their course or event number (except clubs; you may need to check the OLLI calendar and daily schedule email for location and other event information). Refer to the university's coronavirus website for official university updates.
The following list covering the next two weeks is extracted for your convenience from the master online calendar maintained by the office. The list is accurate as of mid-week but for the most up-to-date information, please view the latest forecast of coming events on our website (News/OLLI Calendar). Note: All OLLI members are welcome at, and encouraged to attend, meetings of the Board of Directors, committees and resource groups, kick-off coffees, etc., bolded below. The OLLI office has sent (or will send) emails with links and meeting passwords to club members; you may also log in at the member portal and click on ZOOM CLASS LINKS.
Sat Sep 9
10:30 am
Tai Chi Club
Mon Sep 11
9:30 am
11:00 am
11:00 am
What’s in the Daily News?
Program Planning Meeting
Poetry Reading Club
Tue Sep 12
9:30 am
1:00 pm
4:30 pm
Annex Art
Stay Active and Independent for Life
Tai Chi Club
Wed Sep 13
10:00 am
10:00 am
10:00 am
10:30 am
4:00 pm
Bridge Club
Tallwood Book Club
Staff Pre-Term Meeting
Investment Forum
Mah Jongg Club
Thu Sep 14
10:00 am
11:50 am
4:30 pm
Kick-Off Coffee
All the News
Tai Chi Club
Fri Sep 15
9:30 am
10:00 am
11:30 am
1:00 pm
1:00 pm
Crafts and Conversation Board of Directors Meeting
Homer, etc.
Stay Active and Independent for Life
Dirty Knee Club Scrapbook Meeting
Sat Sep 16
10:30 am
1:00 pm
Tai Chi Club
Personal Computer User Group
Tue Sep 19
1:00 pm
4:30 pm
Stay Active and Independent for Life
Tai Chi Club
Wed Sep 20
1:45 pm
2:00 pm
4:00 pm
Bridge Club
Memoir and More Writing Group
Spanish Club
Thu Sep 21
4:00 pm
4:30 pm
6:00 pm
Reston Book Club
Tai Chi Club
Ethnic Eats Club
Fri Sep 22
9:30 am
9:30 am
11:00 am
11:00 am
12:00 noon
1:00 pm
Mah Jongg Club
Crafts and Conversation
Classic Literature Club
Homer, etc.
Photography Club
Stay Active and Independent for Life
OLLI E-News was created by Rod Zumbro, who served as its editor from 2005 to 2013.
Editorial Staff
Chief Editor: Paul Van Hemel
Associate Editor: David Gundry
Weekly Editor Team: David Gundry, John Nash, Sheri Siesseger,Paul Van Hemel Proofreaders: Rebecca Jann, Susan Van Hemel, Tom Appich
Submissions: Members are encouraged to submit letters to the editor, letters to Ms. Ollie Ettakit (on etiquette matters), OLLI-related news items, articles, and photos. Submit material to: Deadline: Tuesday, 6:00, for that week's issue (Monday, 6:00, for letters to the editor); early submissions are greatly appreciated. Please limit articles to about 250 words. Note: You can view past issues of OLLI E-News on the DocStore. To search the content of issues, use Search Our Site or put your search term in Google followed by "" without the quotes.
Twenty OLLI members ventured into the sunshine, heat, and humidity on August 17, starting at the Burke VRE and walking around Lake Barton on mostly paved ground. Club co-chair Bob Heyer prepared the way by sending a pictorial guide beforehand. At the end of the trek, most of us felt we had gotten some true exercise with some up-and-down hills and 2.6 miles clocked in. Afterward, we stopped at Smith and Clarkson’s Deli in Burke for cool refreshments.
Our next walk is at Walker Nature Center Trail in Reston on August 28. On September 5, we will be in Annandale on Long Branch Valley Trail.
Are you interested in joining? The club meets most weeks, now through most of October, with a walk/talk and refreshments afterward. Club members walk on trails throughout Fairfax County. You can register through the OLLI class portal for information on specific walk locations, times, directions, and updates. On the OLLI member portal, go to the search engine, type in “Fall 2023 Walk Talk.” The following should come up:
OLLI Walk & Talk Club Fall 2023
Course number: OLLI Walk & Talk Cl 2023
OLLI Walk & Talk Club
Start times are between 8:00 am—2:00 pm,
depending on weather conditions
Fairfax County trails and neighborhoods
Choose "add to cart" for the fall term and don't forget to "check out." We require walkers to register with the club and RSVP in advance for individual walks. Participating in a set number of outings is not necessary to join.
We all know there are many ways to facilitate successful aging. One way is keeping our brains healthy, and new research indicates that a key to protecting the brain and maintaining cognition is to volunteer. Please read the following articles and consider volunteering at OLLI.
By Linda H. Harber, OLLI Member and
Friends of Music at Mason President
Fall is changing weather, new OLLI schedule, school starting, and a brand-new season of Mason music. So, buy your tickets now for the wonderful opener, the Grand Piano Celebration on Sunday, September 10 at 3:00 at Mason’s Center for the Arts. See the pictures and description below for the details. If you have never attended one of these piano celebrations before, you are in for a big treat. It is an exciting way to spend a Sunday and I hope to see you there.
Join us for the spectacular opening of our 2023 fall concert season with A Grand Piano Celebration on Sunday, September 10 at 3:00, in Mason's Center for the Arts. This concert honors Mason's All-Steinway School. Outstanding student and faculty artists of the Reva and Sid Dewberry Family School of Music at George Mason University will be on stage to display their marvelous talents.
The concert will be led by Dr. Linda Apple Monson, international Steinway artist, and director of the Dewberry School of Music. She will be joined on stage by Mason faculty artists including Dennis Edelbrock, trumpet; Anna Balakerskaia, duo-piano; John Healey, piano ensemble; Eunae Ko Han, piano ensemble; Jennifer Casey Cabot, soprano; and Kathleen Mulcahy, clarinet. Exciting and dramatic solo piano, duo-piano works, and collaborative piano works will be performed. Mason's faculty piano ensemble (8 hands) will also be showcased!
Registration for the fall session of OLLI classes began August 15. Another session of Watercolor Painting will be offered this fall. Color mixing and the use of brushes and washes to create exciting paintings are some of the techniques demonstrated.
This fall, the watercolor class will review basic skills and continue to build on techniques from past experiences. A supply list will be provided after you register and before the class begins. As a special feature this fall, we will have two guest artists. OLLI member and skilled artist Linda Gersten will demonstrate painting animals on October 17, and Marni Maree will return as a guest artist on October 31 to demonstrate water droplets on fall leaves. Consider this class if you always wanted to try watercolor painting. Previous experience with watercolor painting is not required.
In addition, Dabbling Artists onWednesdays at 2:15 provides opportunities for support and practice in a group setting, whether your medium is pen and ink, pastels, pencils, or watercolor. This fall, Dabbling Artists will be in person. Between terms, Annex Art will be Zoom only. See the fall catalog for more information.
Below are two paintings from the spring class participants.
We're looking forward to seeing new and familiar faces this fall.
By Camille Hodges, OLLI Board Member/Humanities and Social Sciences, Current Events Program Planning Group CoChair
According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), there are many benefits to intergenerational wisdom sharing: “Sharing wisdom has positive effects on younger persons, including assistance with the development of life skills, exposure to new relationships and opportunities, and help with overcoming obstacles and barriers.”
We at OLLI Mason are fortunate to have the opportunity to connect with youth while sharing our life stories. This will be accomplished via a course taught by Dr. Spencer Crew, Robinson Professor of History. Dr. Crew is currently seeking OLLI members to collaborate with students for the Fall 2023 Honors Class: “History of the Family.” Many OLLI members have participated in this collaboration and can attest to the value of the experience.
Please contact Dr. Crew directly at if you are interested in participating in this excellent opportunity. There is still time to contact Dr. Crew before the fall semester start date of September 18, 2023.
Editor’s Note: This article appeared in two recent issues; it is repeated a third time here to encourage members to take advantage of the opportunity to share in a valuable Mason course experience. Thank you.
By Brenda Bloch-Young and Doris Bloch, Co‑Moderators
There will be no Wednesday Conversation on August 30. Team Bloch is taking a cooling-off break (after our discussion in mid-August about the hot, hot summer of 2023 and summers in the non-air-conditioned past of childhood).
On September 6, the discussion will focus on OLLI’s fall term. Are you psyched for it? Lots of interesting classes? How did (online or hardcopy) registration go for you? Any opinions on the calendar—start and end of term, length? Ratio of hybrid vs. in-person vs. online-only classes? Number of social events and trips? Do you have a favorite instructor teaching this fall? We will open up the conversation to all related topics—feel free to chime in and to contribute your thoughts.
We would love to hear from you and to share your ideas in our conversational hour.
Touched by some child’s lisp
Someone’s limp, and other
Important things, like dogs
And infirm old men; to show such love
With care, admits that gift of compassion
So necessary, that you always have.
Touched too, by some late night’s
Unconscious and serious gravity
Propelling you to seize the bed’s epicenter,
Preparing at last to lay siege to the keep
That will be kept for you as long as I am here;
Manned in my mind not with a garrison of
Bowmen or men-at-arms,
But with flowers, sunshine,
Birdsong, soft winds,
To touch you always, as you have always me.
Mike Mc Namara (1936-2023)
Reprinted from The Poets of Tallwood Vol. IV
Michael McNamara, the dean of OLLI poets, passed away August 7, 2023, at Greenspring Senior Living Community. Mike joined OLLI in the fall of 2003 and was a member for the better part of the next two decades. A graduate of Rutgers University and University of Kansas, Mike had a thirty-year career as an infantry officer in the US Army. At OLLI, he co-moderated the Poetry Workshop for many years, and was instrumental in establishing the Poet’s Corner in OLLI E-News in 2014; the column is a lasting legacy that serves as an outlet for new poems created by members of the workshop. His OLLI friends will remember his quick humor, his knowledge of poetry, and his talent for making poems. One of his poems, reprinted from The Poets of Tallwood, Vol. IV, appears in today’s issue of OLLI E-News (Note: when signing poetry, Mike preferred that his last name be spelled with a space—Mc Namara). Mike will be greatly missed by his OLLI friends.
A memorial service for Mike and his late wife Julie will be held next year after their inurnment at Arlington National Cemetery. More information is available at this link.
Nancy Scarborough
Nancy Scarborough, OLLI member from 2007-2010, died on July 4, 2023. Born September 17, 1942, Nancy graduated from the University of Richmond and was a teacher for many years at Oak View elementary school. She also earned a Ph.D. in education from George Mason University. Married to David Ryan, she lived in Ocean City, MD.
Performances August 25 through September 4
Note: Performances at all venues will resume in September
By Shelly Gersten, OLLI E-News Staff Writer
For tickets for either Center for the Arts Concert Hall (CFA) or Hylton Center, call 1-888-945-2468, buy tickets online through the event calendar (see links below), or visit the venue's box office. For more information, see the CFA ticket pageor the Hylton Center ticket purchase page.
Dr. Linda Apple Monson produces a periodic “Notes from the Director.” This email is full of interesting online performances by the students and faculty of the School of Music. If you would like to receive these bulletins, just sign up at this link to stay in touch. Also, the Center for the Arts has a website,Mason Arts at Home, which has a calendar of online events and access to many past performances.
Juan Megna Group “Mariwô Project” Concert Sun, Aug 27, 5:00
Harris Theatre
Admission: Free and open to the public (registration required, see below).
LOCATION: Harris Theatre
Join College of Visual and Performing Arts alumnus, Juan Megna (Doctor of Musical Arts, 2021), and the Juan Megna Group for a concert of his upcoming album “Mariwô Project.”
The album consists of five of Juan Megna’s original compositions, an arrangement of Moacir Santos’ “Colsa No2,” and an arrangement of Luis Perez’ “Si Estuvieras.” The music is mainly inspired by traditional melodies and rhythms coming from the Afro-Brazilian religion known as Candomblé, where different cultures from the African Diaspora are syncretized in their ceremonies. In addition, some Argentinian rhythms, such as milonga and chacareras are present in Juan Megna’s compositions and arrangements.
Following the performance, Juan and the group will participate in a question‑and‑answer session with the audience.
This premiere event showcases Megna’s compositions and his upcoming album, funded in part by Megna’s win of the 2023 Young Alumni Commissioning Award from Mason’s College of Visual and Performing Arts.
This event is free and open to the public, but registration is required.
Please note: Although some physical meetings for clubs and activities are canceled, some may be meeting in person or, in a hybrid mode, both in person and online. OLLI events and activities meeting online bear the identification "Z" in their course or event number (except clubs; you may need to check the OLLI calendar and daily schedule email for location and other event information). Refer to the university's coronavirus website for official university updates.
The following list covering the next two weeks is extracted for your convenience from the master online calendar maintained by the office. The list is accurate as of mid-week but for the most up-to-date information, please view the latest forecast of coming events on our website (News/OLLI Calendar). Note: All OLLI members are welcome at, and encouraged to attend, meetings of the Board of Directors, committees and resource groups, kick-off coffees, etc. The OLLI office has sent (or will send) emails with links and meeting passwords to club members; you may also log in at the member portal and click on ZOOM CLASS LINKS.
Sat Aug 26
10:30 am
Tai Chi Club
Mon Aug 28
9:00 am
9:30 am
10:00 am
11:00 am
Walk & Talk Club
What’s in the Daily News?
Bridge Club
Poetry Reading Club
Tue Aug 29
9:30 am
1:00 pm
4:30 pm
Annex Art
Stay Active and Independent for Life
Tai Chi Club
Wed Aug 30
10:30 am
Investment Forum
Thu Aug 31
11:50 am
4:30 pm
All the News
Tai Chi Club
Fri Sep 1
9:30 am
11:00 am
1:00 pm
Craft and Conversation
Homer, etc.
Stay Active and Independent for Life
Sat Sep 2
10:30 am
Tai Chi Club
Mon Sep 4
9:30 am
Labor Day: OLLI Office Closed
What’s in the Daily News?
Tue Sep 5
9:30 am
4:30 pm
Annex Art
Tai Chi Club
Wed Sep 6
10:00 am
10:30 am
2:00 pm
4:00 pm
Bridge Club
Investment Forum
Memoir and More Writing Group
Spanish Club
Thu Sep 7
10:00 am
11:50 am
12:15 pm
4:30 pm
Board of Directors Retreat
All the News
Excursions Committee Meeting
Tai Chi Club
Fri Sep 8
9:30 am
9:30 am
9:30 am
11:00 am
11:30 am
Mah Jongg Club
Photography Club
Craft and Conversation
Homer, etc.
Cooking Club
OLLI E-News was created by Rod Zumbro, who served as its editor from 2005 to 2013.
Editorial Staff
Chief Editor: Paul Van Hemel
Associate Editor: David Gundry
Weekly Editor Team: David Gundry, John Nash, Sheri Siesseger,Paul Van Hemel Proofreaders: Rebecca Jann, Susan Van Hemel, Tom Appich
Submissions: Members are encouraged to submit letters to the editor, letters to Ms. Ollie Ettakit (on etiquette matters), OLLI-related news items, articles, and photos. Submit material to: Deadline: Tuesday, 6:00, for that week's issue (Monday, 6:00, for letters to the editor); early submissions are greatly appreciated. Please limit articles to about 250 words. Note: You can view past issues of OLLI E-News on the DocStore. To search the content of issues, use Search Our Site or put your search term in Google followed by "" without the quotes.
by Camille Hodges, OLLI Board Member and HSS/CE Program Planning Group Co‑Chair
WHAT? The group assesses written proposals that offer course ideas based on the interests of OLLI members. Courses include a wide range of factors: suggested topics by members of the committee, community input, and professors who initiate a course. All presenters volunteer their time and expertise. Many are current or former faculty members at Mason as well other institutions of higher learning outside of Fairfax County.
WHY? The HSS (Humanities/Social Sciences) and CE (Current Events) groups were combined a few years ago. The rationale was that many topics overlapped, and one committee was more efficient. The social sciences may include sociology, psychology, economics, anthropology, political science, history, geography, law, philosophy, criminology, politics, and cultural studies. Current Events is always on the menu.
OLLI is now partnering with Fairfax County Public Library (FCPL) to provide programs for members as well.
HOW? How do you make suggestions to the HSS/CE Program Planning Group about topics that interest you?
Join us at our next Zoom meeting: Tuesday, September 5 at 10:00. The link will be posted in the OLLI daily schedule e‑mail for the meeting date.
Volunteer to join the HSS/CE Program Planning Group (Check OLLI E‑News or the calendar for group meeting dates/times).
Volunteer to present a course; the OLLI course proposal form is available at this link.
Contact one of the OLLI program associates or HSS/CE Planning Group chairs if you have ideas:
Editor’s Note: This article appeared in a recent issue; it is repeated here to encourage members to participate in planning for the HSS/CE program. Thank you.
Mini Golf Party: Strengthen Your Balance and Have Fun!
By Marilyn Harriman, Diversions Chair
Do you want to strengthen your hand‑eye coordination, balance, and physical depth perception—and have some fun? Yes? Then, you’ll want to sign up for the Friday, August 25 Burke Lake Park picnic and mini golf outing.
We’re meeting from 11:00 to 2:00 at Burke Lake Park, Picnic Shelter D; start with a BYO picnic lunch followed by a round of mini golf with your OLLI friends and colleagues. To register, log in to your member portal and type “Summer Burke Lake 1203.” Registration for this event is open now and closes on August 23.
Your $15 registration fee covers our reserved picnic area and a round of mini golf. Lemonade and soft drinks will be provided. Specific directions to parking and the picnic area will be sent to all registrants.
Please contact Marilyn Harriman, Diversions Chair, if you have questions about the event or registration:
3rd Saturday, August 19 Ten Tech Tips for Boomers & Older Adults: Leverage the
Benefits of Your Phone and Computer Operating Cost of Gasoline- and Electric-Powered Cars
The Computer Club (OLLI Personal Computer User Group, or OPCUG) will meet with its partner, the Potomac Area Technology and Computer Society (PATACS) on Saturday, August 19, in person and via Zoom. The Zoom session usually opens at 12:45.
Ten Tech Tips for Boomers & Older Adults: Leverage the Benefits of Your Phone and Computer—Presented by Joan Green
Discover the possibilities of technology and its benefits for boomers and older adults in an engaging session with Joan, a seasoned speech-language pathologist and assistive technology specialist. Joan's expertise lies in helping individuals overcome communication, literacy, cognitive, and productivity challenges, maximizing their success and happiness. In this presentation, she will discuss a range of tools, apps, and features that can be easily integrated into daily life to promote learning, well-being, and cognitive stimulation. From easy-to-use video call devices to digital assistants such as Alexa and Siri, as well as accessibility features and productivity tools, Joan will provide practical insights to help you build confidence and derive greater benefit from your technologies.
Joan has provided forward-thinking speech therapy services for the past 35+ years. She formed Innovative Speech Therapy in the Washington, DC, area in 1992.
Learn in 30: Compare the Operating Cost of Gasoline- and Electric-Powered Cars—Presented by John Krout
This presentation will show you how to calculate cost per mile and will show examples for both gas-powered and electric-powered cars. In many cases, electric-powered cars cost much less per mile than gasoline-powered cars. Costs per mile can vary depending on many factors, so direct comparisons should be made by using the cars on the same travel path under the same factors (e.g., season, time of day).
John Krout is a frequent presenter at our meetings on a wide range of computer, technology and photography topics, and author of many articles for the PATACS Posts newsletter.
To attend via Zoom’s cloud meeting service, beginning at 12:45, please click this link to join the meeting and use passcode 425219 (Note: enter passcode with NO spaces) or enter meeting ID 838 7155 8407 in the Zoom app and use the above passcode (preferred method) or dial in—301-715-8592.
By Camille Hodges, OLLI Board Member/Humanities and Social Sciences, Current Events Program Planning Group Co‑Chair
According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), there are many benefits to intergenerational wisdom sharing: “Sharing wisdom has positive effects on younger persons, including assistance with the development of life skills, exposure to new relationships and opportunities, and help with overcoming obstacles and barriers.”
We at OLLI Mason are fortunate to have the opportunity to connect with youth while sharing our life stories. This will be accomplished via a course taught by Dr. Spencer Crew, Robinson Professor of History. Dr. Crew is currently seeking OLLI members to collaborate with students for the Fall 2023 Honors Class: “History of the Family.” Many OLLI members have participated in this collaboration and can attest to the value of the experience.
Please contact Dr. Crew directly at if you are
interested in participating in this excellent opportunity. The fall semester start date is August 21, 2023.
Editor’s Note: This article appeared in a recent issue; it is repeated here to encourage members to take advantage of the opportunity to share in a valuable Mason course experience. Thank you.
Wednesday Team Bloch Conversation—August 16 and 23
By Brenda Bloch-Young and Doris Bloch, Co‑Moderators
Continuing our Wednesday Conversations series, Team Bloch (Brenda Bloch-Young and Doris Bloch) will moderate a Zoom discussion in a session on August 16 at 4:00. Our chosen topic this week is “Baby, It’s Hot Outside!"
This summer has been HOT. And, in addition, we are having regular air quality alerts. What are you doing to beat the heat? Walking early in the morning? Swimming? Avoid baking or using your oven? Watching movies during the day and going out in the evening? Closing the blinds? Drinking watermelon lemonade? Still using your patio and porch? Remember what summer was like before we all had air conditioning?
Join us to share your strategies for beating the heat and share childhood experiences of hot summers.
Further continuing our Wednesday Conversations series, Team Bloch (Brenda Bloch-Young and Doris Bloch) will moderate a Zoom discussion in another session on August 23 at 4:00. Our chosen topic for that week is “Pets and Personalities!"
Is there really such a thing as a "dog person" or a "cat person? Why do some folks ONLY consider a dog but NEVER a cat? Aren't pets created equal and appreciated for their unique personalities and qualities? Sometimes pets tend to resemble their owners—do you think that this is true? Recent studies suggest that "dog" and "cat" people have different personality traits: dog owners tend to be more outgoing while cat owners are more independent and introverted. Do you see yourself as one of these stereotypes?
We would love to hear from you and to share your ideas with others in our conversational hour.
Check your daily schedule for the Zoom link on Wednesdays and plan on some social time with Team Bloch for the sessions on both days.
Ode to Our Sun The Heliophysics Big Year is a global celebration of solar science
and the Sun’s influence on Earth and the entire solar system.
Join us October 2023 to December 2024!
From the earliest days of prehistory
Ancients worshiped our sun, Sine qua non of life on Earth.
The ancestors venerated our star,
Calling it Amun, Ra, Inti, Surya,
Among the hundreds of names we
Moderns know. Deified around the planet,
Early humans built gigantic stone monuments
– pyramids, obelisks, henges –
Some of which paid homage
To our sun’s transit across the sky.
They didn’t know the brightness is hydrogen
And helium held together by gravity,
Spinning 93 million miles away.
Some believed the god was angry
When he hid his face behind the moon,
When day became night. Some
Sacrificed others to appease him.
Now contemporary scientists
With powerful computers, telescopes,
Space vehicles and big ideas,
Have declared
The Heliophysics Big Year
To celebrate and study The sine qua non of life on Earth.
Note: Performances at all venues will resume in September
By Shelly Gersten, OLLI E-News Staff Writer
For tickets for either Center for the Arts Concert Hall (CFA) or Hylton Center, call 1-888-945-2468, buy tickets online through the event calendar (see links below), or visit the venue's box office. For more information, see the CFA ticket pageor the Hylton Center ticket purchase page.
Dr. Linda Apple Monson produces a periodic “Notes from the Director.” This email is full of interesting online performances by the students and faculty of the School of Music. If you would like to receive these bulletins, just sign up at this link to stay in touch. Also, the Center for the Arts has a website,Mason Arts at Home, which has a calendar of online events and access to many past performances.
Juan Megna Group “Mariwô Project” Concert Sun, Aug 27, 5:00
Harris Theatre
Admission: Free and open to the public (registration required, see below).
LOCATION: Harris Theatre
Join College of Visual and Performing Arts alumnus, Juan Megna (Doctor of Musical Arts, 2021), and the Juan Megna Group for a concert of his upcoming album “Mariwô Project.”
The album consists of five of Juan Megna’s original compositions, an arrangement of Moacir Santos’ “Colsa No2,” and an arrangement of Luis Perez’ “Si Estuvieras.” The music is mainly inspired by traditional melodies and rhythms coming from the Afro-Brazilian religion known as Candomblé, where different cultures from the African Diaspora are syncretized in their ceremonies. In addition, some Argentinian rhythms, such as milonga and chacareras are present in Juan Megna’s compositions and arrangements.
Following the performance, Juan and the group will participate in a question‑and‑answer session with the audience.
This premiere event showcases Megna’s compositions and his upcoming album, funded in part by Megna’s win of the 2023 Young Alumni Commissioning Award from Mason’s College of Visual and Performing Arts.
This event is free and open to the public, but registration is required.
Please note: Although some physical meetings for clubs and activities are canceled, some may be meeting in person or, in a hybrid mode, both in person and online. OLLI events and activities meeting online bear the identification "Z" in their course or event number (except clubs; you may need to check the OLLI calendar and daily schedule email for location and other event information). Refer to the university's coronavirus website for official university updates.
The following list covering the next two weeks is extracted for your convenience from the master online calendar maintained by the office. The list is accurate as of mid-week but for the most up-to-date information, please view the latest forecast of coming events on our website (News/OLLI Calendar). Note: All OLLI members are welcome at, and encouraged to attend, meetings of the Board of Directors, committees and resource groups, kick-off coffees, etc. The OLLI office has sent (or will send) emails with links and meeting passwords to club members; you may also log in at the member portal and click on ZOOM CLASS LINKS.
Sat Aug 12
10:30 am
Tai Chi Club
Mon Aug 14
9:30 am
10:00 am
11:00 am
What’s in the Daily News?
Bridge Club
Poetry Reading Club
Tue Aug 15
9:30 am
10:00 am
1:00 pm
4:30 pm
Annex Art
Trivia Club Interest Meeting
Stay Active and Independent for Life
Tai Chi Club
Wed Aug 16
10:30 am
4:00 pm
4:00 pm
Investment Forum
Mah Jongg Club
Spanish Club
Thu Aug 17
11:50 am
4:30 pm
All the News
Tai Chi Club
Fri Aug 18
9:30 am
11:00 am
1:00 pm
Craft and Conversation
Homer, etc.
Stay Active and Independent for Life
Sat Aug 19
10:30 am
1:00 pm
Tai Chi Club
Personal Computer User Group
Mon Aug 21
9:30 am
10:00 am
11:00 am
What’s in the Daily News?
Bridge Club
Poetry Writing Club
Tue Aug 22
9:30 am
1:00 pm
4:30 pm
Annex Art
Stay Active and Independent for Life
Tai Chi Club
Wed Aug 23
9:30 am
10:30 am
2:00 pm
2:00 pm
Healthcare Advisory Workgroup
Investment Forum
Memoir and More Writing Group
Finance Committee Meeting
Thu Aug 24
11:50 am
4:30 pm
6:00 pm
All the News
Tai Chi Club
Ethnic Eats Club
Fri Aug 25
9:30 am
9:30 am
11:00 am
11:00 am
12:00 noon
1:00 pm
Mah Jongg Club
Craft and Conversation
Burke Lake Park Picnic and Putt Putt
Homer, etc.
Photography Club
Stay Active and Independent for Life
OLLI E-News was created by Rod Zumbro, who served as its editor from 2005 to 2013.
Editorial Staff
Chief Editor: Paul Van Hemel
Associate Editor: David Gundry
Weekly Editor Team: David Gundry, John Nash, Sheri Siesseger,Paul Van Hemel Proofreaders: Rebecca Jann, Susan Van Hemel, Tom Appich
Submissions: Members are encouraged to submit letters to the editor, letters to Ms. Ollie Ettakit (on etiquette matters), OLLI-related news items, articles, and photos. Submit material to: Deadline: Tuesday, 6:00, for that week's issue (Monday, 6:00, for letters to the editor); early submissions are greatly appreciated. Please limit articles to about 250 words. Note: You can view past issues of OLLI E-News on the DocStore. To search the content of issues, use Search Our Site or put your search term in Google followed by "" without the quotes.
The OLLI office will be closed for summer break from July 29-August 13. This will affect any in-person activities that might otherwise be held at Tallwood during the period.
Fourteen members of the OLLI Board met in person in TA‑1 and via Zoom on Friday, July 21, with 13 guest members. President Lillian Brooks called the meeting to order at 10:00.
President Brooks and Executive Director Jennifer Disano recently attended the OLLI Southern Region Workshop and shared key takeaways from the conference. They learned that many of the OLLIs have classes in person, charge for each class, are run by volunteers, and that some have over 1,500 members. Additionally, OLLIs have found that retaining members is very important and developing friendships through in-person classes and social events is key!
Lillian also pointed out that when OLLI members pass away, we will follow our OLLI Policy and Procedures, and support and assist the family as appropriate.
Other initiatives are currently in the works:
We continue to work with retirement communities to provide a few classes for a fee to entice new members.
The Health and Safety Advisory group is continuing to update protocols for Covid and other threats. People attending classes are expected to understand and meet the protocols as they evolve. Please do not come to events if you are not feeling well.
The Diversions Committee is planning many in‑person celebrations and events. The Burke Lake picnic and miniature golf event is back on!
The Website Ad Hoc Committee has identified and implemented some updates to the OLLI website and has identified some potential long‑term changes to consider.
OLLI is working with Mason to update our classrooms to augment audio for those who have difficulty hearing.
Members who identify and bring new members to OLLI should be rewarded. Details for implementing this idea are being defined.
OLLI expects to develop a trip to the Pentagon 9/11 Memorial with a docent.
OLLI will continue its working relationship with AARP.
The Board of Directors will have an offsite retreat on Friday, September 7 to work on some difficult OLLI problems needing solutions for “the new tomorrow!”
August may be a time when OLLI classes are on pause, but we can still get together for camaraderie and fun just a few miles from the Tallwood campus. Come out and enjoy a picnic lunch and a round of mini golf with your OLLI friends at Burke Lake Park on Friday, August 25, as the summer winds down. This is the perfect time of year when the trees whisper in the breeze, and we can relax in the shade with friends.
To join in the merriment, register before August 24 and bring a picnic lunch. Then participate in a friendly game of mini golf. The $15 registration fee includes sheltered picnic space rental and admission to the golf course. The event coordinator will provide lemonade and soft drinks; Burke Lake Park will provide your golf club and golf ball.
Parking is free, and directions to the picnic location will be emailed to each registrant.
To register, log into your member portal and find course 1203 Summer 2023 Burke Lake Picnic & Mini Golf (just typing 1203 in the search box should bring it up). Add the event to your cart and secure your spot by paying $15. Be sure to check out of your cart!
What Does the HSS/CE Program Planning Group Do? How Do I Provide Input?
By Camille Hodges, OLLI Board Member and HSS/CE Program Planning Group Co‑Chair
WHAT? The Humanities/Social Sciences (HSS) and Current Events (CE) group assesses written proposals offering courses based on the interests of OLLI members. The group considers a wide range of subjects including topics suggested by members of the committee, community input, and professors who initiate a course. All presenters volunteer their time and expertise. Many are current or former Mason faculty members as well as faculty from other institutions of higher learning outside of the geographic area of Fairfax County.
WHY? The HSS and CE groups were combined a few years ago. The rationale was that many topics overlapped, and one committee was more efficient. The social sciences include sociology, psychology, economics, anthropology, political science, history, geography, law, philosophy, criminology, politics, and cultural studies. Current events are always on the menu.
HOW? If you wish to suggest a course topic, how can you make suggestions to the HSS/CE Program Planning Group?
Join us at our next Zoom meeting: Tuesday, September 5 at 10:00. The link will be posted in the OLLI daily schedule email.
Volunteer to join the HSS/CE Program Planning Group (Check OLLI E‑News or the calendar for group meeting dates/times).
Volunteer to present a course; the OLLI course proposal form is available at this link.
Contact one of the OLLI program associates or HSS/CE Planning Group chairs if you have ideas:
There will be a meeting on Tuesday, August 8, at Mellow Mushroom, 14335 Newbrook Drive, Chantilly, at 7:00, to determine interest in a new OLLI Trivia Club. We propose to meet every Tuesday evening at Mellow Mushroom, from 7:00 to about 9:00.
I am the coordinator, along with my husband Bob. If you have questions, contact me at or by phone at 361-648-0007. My vision for this club is for OLLI members to get out a bit in the evening and to have fun competing as a team. We hope you will join us!
By Nancy Klein, Communications and Program Associate
Ever wondered how to find more information about OLLI Mason clubs, other than what is listed in term catalogs? Visit the website ( and scroll down to the ‘Clubs & Activities’ link below the images on the home page.
Click on the ‘Clubs and Activities’ link. Another webpage will open ( On that page there are instructions at the top which include this sentence: ‘The clubs highlighted in green have postings that you can access by clicking the club name.’ For example, if you are interested in finding out more about the Theater Lovers' Group, you can click on the name, which is highlighted in green, as shown below. You can also click on the coordinator’s name, also highlighted in green, to send an email message if you want more details or have questions about the club. Theater Lovers' Group Coordinator: Norma Jean Reck
OLLI Mason has 24 clubs and an AV Support Committee. Many clubs have virtual or hybrid meetings, so you don’t have to be local to enjoy the camaraderie!
By Camille Hodges, OLLI Board Member/Humanities and Social Sciences, Current Events Program Planning Group Co‑Chair
According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), there are many benefits to intergenerational wisdom sharing: “Sharing wisdom has positive effects on younger persons, including assistance with the development of life skills, exposure to new relationships and opportunities, and help with overcoming obstacles and barriers.”
We at OLLI Mason are fortunate to have the opportunity to connect with youth while sharing our life stories. This will be accomplished via a course taught by Dr. Spencer Crew, Robinson professor of history. Dr. Crew is currently seeking OLLI members to collaborate with students for the Fall 2023 honors class: “History of the Family.” Many OLLI members have participated in this collaboration and can attest to the value of the experience.
Please contact Dr. Crew directly at if you are interested in participating in this
excellent opportunity. The fall semester start date is August 21, 2023.
Beethoven's 10th*....?
By Brenda Bloch-Young, Economics and Finance Program Planning Group Chair and Weekly Conversations Co‑Moderator
While the Wednesday Weekly Conversations take a break, here's something to think about. Classical music aficionados know that Beethoven didn't write a 10th symphony. Yet, for the 250th anniversary of his birth, German composers used notes left by Beethoven and artificial intelligence (AI) to finish the piece. It was performed in Bonn in 2021. Most are aware that his symphonies are very different, and yet, in this piece we hear familiar melodies.
The view from the kitchen
shows us what we head into in this new realm.
Colonoscopy today,
Mohs surgery in a few days,
Some other new surprise,
in another few days.
Note: Performances at all venues will resume in September
By Shelly Gersten, OLLI E-News Staff Writer
For tickets for either Center for the Arts Concert Hall (CFA) or Hylton Center, call 1-888-945-2468, buy tickets online through the event calendar (see links below), or visit the venue's box office. For more information, see the CFA ticket pageor the Hylton Center ticket purchase page.
Dr. Linda Apple Monson produces a periodic “Notes from the Director.” This email is full of interesting online performances by the students and faculty of the School of Music. If you would like to receive these bulletins, just sign up at this link to stay in touch. Also, the Center for the Arts has a website,Mason Arts at Home, which has a calendar of online events and access to many past performances.
Please note: Although some physical meetings for clubs and activities are canceled, some may be meeting in person or, in a hybrid mode, both in person and online. OLLI events and activities meeting online bear the identification "Z" in their course or event number (except clubs; you may need to check the OLLI calendar and daily schedule email for location and other event information). Refer to the university's coronavirus website for official university updates.
The following list covering the next two weeks is extracted for your convenience from the master online calendar maintained by the office. The list is accurate as of mid-week but for the most up-to-date information, please view the latest forecast of coming events on our website (News/OLLI Calendar). Note: All OLLI members are welcome at, and encouraged to attend, meetings of the Board of Directors, committees and resource groups, kick-off coffees, etc., bolded below. The OLLI office has sent (or will send) emails with links and meeting passwords to club members; you may also log in at the member portal and click on ZOOM CLASS LINKS.
Sat Jul 29
10:30 am
Tai Chi Club
Mon Jul 31
9:30 am
11:00 am
What’s in the Daily News?
Poetry Reading Club
Tue Aug 1
9:30 am
10:00 am
1:00 pm
4:30 pm
Annex Art
Walk & Talk Club
Stay Active and Independent for Life
Tai Chi Club
Wed Aug 2
4:00 pm
4:00 pm
Mah Jongg Club
Spanish Club
Thu Aug 3
11:50 am
4:30 pm
All the News
Tai Chi Club
Fri Aug 4
11:00 am
1:00 pm
Homer, etc.
Stay Active and Independent for Life
Sat Aug 5
10:30 am
Tai Chi Club
Mon Aug 7
9:30 am
What’s in the Daily News?
Tue Aug 8
9:30 am
1:00 pm
4:30 pm
Annex Art
Stay Active and Independent for Life
Tai Chi Club
Wed Aug 9
2:00 pm
Memoir and More Writing Group
Thu Aug 10
11:50 am
4:30 pm
All the News
Tai Chi Club
Fri Aug 11
11:00 am
11:30 am
1:00 pm
2:30 pm
Homer, etc.
Cooking Club
Stay Active and Independent for Life
Tallwood Book Club
OLLI E-News was created by Rod Zumbro, who served as its editor from 2005 to 2013.
Editorial Staff
Chief Editor: Paul Van Hemel
Associate Editor: David Gundry
Weekly Editor Team: David Gundry, John Nash, Sheri Siesseger,Paul Van Hemel Proofreaders: Rebecca Jann, Susan Van Hemel, Tom Appich
Submissions: Members are encouraged to submit letters to the editor, letters to Ms. Ollie Ettakit (on etiquette matters), OLLI-related news items, articles, and photos. Submit material to: Deadline: Tuesday, 6:00, for that week's issue (Monday, 6:00, for letters to the editor); early submissions are greatly appreciated. Please limit articles to about 250 words. Note: You can view past issues of OLLI E-News on the DocStore. To search the content of issues, use Search Our Site or put your search term in Google followed by "" without the quotes.
A July course taught by Michael McGregor,
M.A. History, provided an informative comparison of congressional hearings on Watergate and on the January 6 attack on the Capitol
The OLLI office will be closed for summer break from July 29-August 13. This will affect any in-person activities that might otherwise be held at Tallwood during the period.
The next issue of OLLI E-News will be published Friday, July 28; the regular deadline for submission of items is Tuesday, July 25, at 6:00.
By Doris Bloch, Co-Founder of the OLLI Cooking Club
Does the site look familiar to you? This photo was taken on a summer's day in the breezeway outside the Tallwood office. It portrays some of the original members of the OLLI Cooking Club about to enjoy the "fruits" of their labors. The majority of the cooks portrayed here are no longer members of the club, but the fifth person from the left is the late Debby Halverson, the co-founder of the group. Paulette Lichtman-Panzer (third from right) and Doris Bloch (far right, co-founder) are still members. Not sure if any others in the photo are still involved. The food looks delicious, doesn't it?
The OLLI Cooking Club has undergone a lot of changes over the years. Currently we meet on a Friday once a month in members' homes to share a potluck lunch with an organizing theme. For instance, a recent theme was French cuisine. About 10 members gathered to share dishes, recipes, and an enjoyable afternoon. Leadership of the club has recently been passed from Ute Christoph-Hill to Colleen Tuddenham. Please contact Colleen ( if you would like more information on future luncheon plans.
The July 2023 Photo of the Month theme was Long Exposure. We selected Ed Marion's photo "Difficult Run," which may also be viewed at this page. To view other photos by members of the Photography Club, visit the club's photo website. -- By John Olsen and Edward Marion, Photography Club Co-Coordinators
By Brenda Bloch-Young and Doris Bloch, Co‑Moderators
Continuing our Wednesday Conversations series, Team Bloch (Brenda Bloch-Young and Doris Bloch) will moderate a Zoom discussion on July 26 at 4:00. Our chosen topic this week, as suggested by Betty Ellerbee, is “Things I Never Learned and Don't Intend to Either!"
Everyone has a few things that they never learned and we either regret or rejoice in those gaps. Maybe you didn't have time or resources or the opportunity early on. This is your chance to air them, share them, and perhaps let regrets go. Or was there some reason why you scoffed at the "need" to learn a certain skill, while others insisted on engaging in that skill? Examples to get our conversation going: playing tennis, playing the piano, learning to waltz, cooking gourmet fare, writing poetry, running a marathon, writing HTML code. Why is your interest in those subjects no longer alive or pressing? This is an open-ended topic for our conversations! (There will be NO recordings of our shared confessions, so feel free to tell us all about it.) We would love to hear from you and to share your ideas with others in our conversational hour.
Check your daily schedule for the Zoom link on Wednesdays and plan on some social time with Team Bloch. Note: there will be no scheduled Wednesday conversations while OLLI is closed, July 29 to August 13.
Can my computer be better at couplets
than a human with paper and pen?
Adept at composing a sonnet or two,
perfect words to convey love once again?
Can AI truly best us in meter,
in assonance, simile, and more?
Will a robot emerge to replace us
in endrhyme, volta, metaphor?
But content will evermore matter,
experience will bring a new twist,
grace and style will prevail and ultimately
we humans will find what’s been missed.
For tickets for either Center for the Arts Concert Hall (CFA) or Hylton Center, call 1-888-945-2468, buy tickets online through the event calendar (see links below), or visit the venue's box office. For more information, see the CFA ticket pageor the Hylton Center ticket purchase page.
Dr. Linda Apple Monson produces a periodic “Notes from the Director.” This email is full of interesting online performances by the students and faculty of the School of Music. If you would like to receive these bulletins, just sign up at this link to stay in touch. Also, the Center for the Arts has a website,Mason Arts at Home, which has a calendar of online events and access to many past performances.
Please note: Although some physical meetings for clubs and activities are canceled, some may be meeting in person or, in a hybrid mode, both in person and online. OLLI events and activities meeting online bear the identification "Z" in their course or event number (except clubs; you may need to check the OLLI calendar and daily schedule email for location and other event information). Refer to the university's coronavirus website for official university updates.
The following list covering the next two weeks is extracted for your convenience from the master online calendar maintained by the office. The list is accurate as of mid-week but for the most up-to-date information, please view the latest forecast of coming events on our website (News/OLLI Calendar). Note: All OLLI members are welcome at, and encouraged to attend, meetings of the Board of Directors, committees and resource groups, kick-off coffees, etc. The OLLI office has sent (or will send) emails with links and meeting passwords to club members; you may also log in at the member portal and click on ZOOM CLASS LINKS.
Sat Jul 22
10:30 am
Tai Chi Club
Mon Jul 24
10:00 am
Bridge Club
Tue Jul 25
1:00 pm
4:30 pm
Stay Active and Independent for Life
Tai Chi Club
Wed Jul 26
11:00 am
2:00 pm
4:00 pm
Spanish Club
Memoir and More Writing Group
Conversations with Doris & Brenda
Thu Jul 27
4:30 pm
6:00 pm
Tai Chi Club
Ethnic Eats Club
Fri Jul 28
9:30 am
9:30 am
11:00 am
12:00 noon
1:00 pm
Mah Jongg Club
Craft and Conversation
Homer, etc.
Photography Club
Stay Active and Independent for Life
Sat Jul 29
10:30 am
Tai Chi Club
Mon Jul 31
9:30 am
11:00 am
What’s in the Daily News?
Poetry Reading Club
Tue Aug 1
9:30 am
10:00 am
1:00 pm
4:30 pm
Annex Art
Walk & Talk Club
Stay Active and Independent for Life
Tai Chi Club
OLLI E-News was created by Rod Zumbro, who served as its editor from 2005 to 2013.
Editorial Staff
Chief Editor: Paul Van Hemel
Associate Editor: David Gundry
Weekly Editor Team: David Gundry, John Nash, Sheri Siesseger,Paul Van Hemel Proofreaders: Rebecca Jann, Susan Van Hemel, Tom Appich
Submissions: Members are encouraged to submit letters to the editor, letters to Ms. Ollie Ettakit (on etiquette matters), OLLI-related news items, articles, and photos. Submit material to: Deadline: Tuesday, 6:00, for that week's issue (Monday, 6:00, for letters to the editor); early submissions are greatly appreciated. Please limit articles to about 250 words. Note: You can view past issues of OLLI E-News on the DocStore. To search the content of issues, use Search Our Site or put your search term in Google followed by "" without the quotes.
Theater Lovers' Group's July Events: Theater Trip and Speaker for Meeting
By Norma Jean Reck, Coordinator, Theater Lovers’ Group
There are just a couple of spaces left on the Theater Lovers' Group (TLG) trip to the Contemporary American Theater Festival that takes place annually during the month of July in nearby Shepherdstown, WV. Join your fellow OLLI theater lovers in attending three exciting premieres, taking a backstage tour, discussing the play with the pros, and indulging in some fine dining.
The trip dates are Thursday, July 27 and Friday, July 28. We drive down on Thursday and come back on Friday. On Thursday, we see Overview Effect at noon and either Spiritus or Redeemed (your choice) Thursday evening. On Friday, we see Your Name Means Dream at 2:00. We will stay at the Clarion Inn Harpers Ferry Thursday night—group rate is $122.07. Our group rate on tickets is $49/per show or three shows for $147.
To sign up for the trip or for more information, email Norma at ASAP.
Reminder: Wednesday, July 19, TLG Meeting:
Aubrey Whitlock, Associate Director of Education for the American Shakespeare Center (ASC) in Staunton, VA, will speak via Zoom at our 4:00 meeting on Wednesday, July 19. She will talk about the history of ASC, casting, and staging practices. She can also tell us more about the two shows we will see on October 21—Much Ado about Nothing and Hamlet—when we take an overnight trip to ASC. Be sure to Zoom in for this very informative and exciting program. You don't want to miss it.
By Brenda Bloch-Young and Doris Bloch, Co‑Moderators
Continuing our Wednesday Conversations series, Team Bloch (Brenda Bloch-Young and Doris Bloch) will moderate a Zoom discussion on July 19 at 4:00. Our chosen topic this week is “The New Business Casual."
We enjoyed dressing comfortably at home during the pandemic. Now that the world has reopened, is it appropriate to wear a T-shirt and shorts to the theater, a fine dining restaurant, or a church service? Jeans to an evening concert at the Kennedy Center? Do dress codes matter anymore? Or should there be dress codes for different venues? Should we all revert (for fun!) to coats and ties for men, white gloves and flowered hats for ladies? When did you last spot a gentleman wearing a homburg? Are you as puzzled as we are? Share your thoughts on current "business casual" trends and dress codes.
Check your daily schedule for the Zoom link on Wednesdays and plan on some social time with Team Bloch.
I can't believe I'm writing an article on “planning,” a good practice that many of us don't always follow. But I have always appreciated the value of good planning, from my military career, my family life (mostly done by my late wife), and now into my changed life as a single person with the responsibilities for ALL planning. I have three calendars—yes, three calendars—that I keep sync'ed and use as guides to keep me on track. And now, in the middle of summer (yikes, in the middle?) with the beautiful Virginia fall just around the corner, planning our summer and fall days becomes very important, lest the days slip by us.
One of the banes to planning for our future is that we let events and activities in our daily lives get in the way. We tend to say, “I'll do it tomorrow when I have time." My military career included a course in time management where we were encouraged to keep a daily log (or calendar) of things to get done and then draw a line through the ones completed. There was an added psychological benefit of accomplishment. I also recall a conversation with a friend who, on completing our business, ended with the usual “let's have lunch sometime.” She immediately said to get out my calendar and we made a luncheon date for six weeks away! But that time came fast, and we had a nice lunch. The Nike slogan “Just do it!” is right on.
It's not too late to make travel and activity plans for the rest of the summer and into the fall. Air fares may be cheaper with longer lead time, hotel rooms still available, dinner guests are available, household tasks can be scheduled, and the selected time has no competition...yet! It's not too early to begin considering the trips that are offered through OLLI. So start taking action now on your “wished-for” plans. You'll find the time comes faster than expected! Remember the old adage: Failing to plan is planning to fail. Plan on, my friends, plan on!
In the artist’s café
time never moves.
The same patrons sit
at the same tables,
the same drinks,
“Why would I try
something different?”
one asks,
on a day like yesterday,
a day the artist approves,
It’s as if the patrons
know their place,
the spot they were put in
when the artist drew them:
the woman in
the humble hat,
nursing her coffee.
Demurely, she waits
for someone to come,
or somewhere to go,
at a time we know
won’t arrive.
And so she sits,
and the artist presides,
making sure she
doesn’t step out
of character,
into another sketch,
say of a bedroom,
in which a woman poses
naked on a bed.
For tickets for either Center for the Arts Concert Hall (CFA) or Hylton Center, call 1-888-945-2468, buy tickets online through the event calendar (see links below), or visit the venue's box office. For more information, see the CFA ticket pageor the Hylton Center ticket purchase page.
Dr. Linda Apple Monson produces a periodic “Notes from the Director.” This email is full of interesting online performances by the students and faculty of the School of Music. If you would like to receive these bulletins, just sign up at this link to stay in touch. Also, the Center for the Arts has a website,Mason Arts at Home, which has a calendar of online events and access to many past performances.
Prince William Little Theatre and Manassas Symphony Orchestra: Oliver
Fri, Jul 14, 8:00
Sat, Jul 15, 2:00 and 8:00
Sun, Jul 16, 2:00
Merchant Hall
Admission: $35, $30, $25.
Please note: Although some physical meetings for clubs and activities are canceled, some may be meeting in person or, in a hybrid mode, both in person and online. OLLI events and activities meeting online bear the identification "Z" in their course or event number (except clubs; you may need to check the OLLI calendar and daily schedule email for location and other event information). Refer to the university's coronavirus website for official university updates.
The following list covering the next two weeks is extracted for your convenience from the master online calendar maintained by the office. The list is accurate as of mid-week but for the most up-to-date information, please view the latest forecast of coming events on our website (News/OLLI Calendar). Note: All OLLI members are welcome at, and encouraged to attend, meetings of the Board of Directors, committees and resource groups, kick-off coffees, etc., bolded below. The OLLI office has sent (or will send) emails with links and meeting passwords to club members; you may also log in at the member portal and click on ZOOM CLASS LINKS.
Sat Jul 15
10:30 am
1:00 pm
Tai Chi Club
Personal Computer User Group
Mon Jul 17
10:00 am
Bridge Club
Tue Jul 18
1:00 pm
4:30 pm
Stay Active and Independent for Life
Tai Chi Club
Wed Jul 19
4:00 pm
4:00 pm
4:00 pm
Mah Jongg Club
Spanish Club
Conversations with Doris & Brenda
Thu Jul 20
4:30 pm
Tai Chi Club
Fri Jul 21
9:30 am
10:00 am
11:00 am
1:00 pm
Craft and Conversation Board of Directors Meeting
Homer, etc.
Stay Active and Independent for Life
Sat Jul 22
10:30 am
Tai Chi Club
Mon Jul 24
10:00 am
Bridge Club
Tue Jul 25
1:00 pm
4:30 pm
Stay Active and Independent for Life
Tai Chi Club
Wed Jul 26
11:00 am
2:00 pm
4:00 pm
Spanish Club
Memoir and More Writing Group
Conversations with Doris & Brenda
Thu Jul 27
4:30 pm
6:00 pm
Tai Chi Club
Ethnic Eats Club
Fri Jul 28
9:30 am
9:30 am
11:00 am
12:00 noon
1:00 pm
Mah Jongg Club
Craft and Conversation
Homer, etc.
Photography Club
Stay Active and Independent for Life
OLLI E-News was created by Rod Zumbro, who served as its editor from 2005 to 2013.
Editorial Staff
Chief Editor: Paul Van Hemel
Associate Editor: David Gundry
Weekly Editor Team: David Gundry, John Nash, Sheri Siesseger,Paul Van Hemel Proofreaders: Rebecca Jann, Susan Van Hemel, Tom Appich
Submissions: Members are encouraged to submit letters to the editor, letters to Ms. Ollie Ettakit (on etiquette matters), OLLI-related news items, articles, and photos. Submit material to: Deadline: Tuesday, 6:00, for that week's issue (Monday, 6:00, for letters to the editor); early submissions are greatly appreciated. Please limit articles to about 250 words. Note: You can view past issues of OLLI E-News on the DocStore. To search the content of issues, use Search Our Site or put your search term in Google followed by "" without the quotes.