Overview • Galleries (See Galleries) • Monthly Themes • Field Trips • Speakers • Projects
A Note from the Coordinator
To all members, and potential members, of the OPC --
In 2016 the GMU School of Theater (ranked 8th in the nation) asked OLLI if we could provide photographers for head-shots, publicity photos, final dress rehearsals and photo calls. Several members of the OLLI Photography Club (OPC) volunteered for eight of these events in 2016 and 13 in 2017. The OPC is continuing its support for the current theater season (see schedule below).
The School has been very appreciative of our work and impressed by the quality of our images. The School’s production staff and students have used our work for evaluation of the productions and for publicity brochures. As you wander the halls of the GMU Arts buildings you may even see our work displaying in slideshows on the monitors and hanging on walls in print form.
Those photographers who have participated have been treated as professionals, valued for their work and have received complimentary tickets to their productions. In addition to having the opportunity to observe productions in ways no theater subscriber would, each of us has learned a great deal about photography, technically and artistically, as we coped with challenging lighting conditions and unfamiliar subject matter.
I appreciate the dedication of those who have participated and encourage others in our club to join us in the remaining shoots.
Tom Simpson
OPC GMU School of Theater Coordinator
School of Theater Galleries
GMU School of Theater, 2022-2023 Season
GMU School of Theater, 2022-2023 Season, Shooting Schedule
GMU Drama - Photo Schedule, 2022-2023, 20230117.
GMU School of Theater, 2021-2022 Season, Shooting Schedule
GMU School of Theater, Photo Shoot Dates, 2021-22.ry, Rev 20220409
GMU School of Theater, 2019-2020 Season, Shooting Schedule
Play and Type of Shoot |
Student's Head Shots (~40) | Aug 23rd | TBD | Black Box |
Mason Originals Final Dress/Photo Call | Sept 12th | 8-10pm | TheaterSpace |
Rags Publicity Shoot NOT SUPPORTING |
Oct 12th | 10am or TBD | MTB 1014
Rags Final Dress NOT SUPPORTING |
Oct 29rd | 7-10:30pm | CFA Concert Hall |
Twelfth Night Publicity Shoot | Nov 2nd | 2-4pm | MTB 1014 |
Twelfth Night Final Dress | Nov 19th | 7-10:30pm | TheaterSpace |
Women of Lockerbie Publicity Shoot | Feb 15th | 10am or TBD | MTB 1014 |
Women of Lockerbie Final Dress/ Photo Call * |
Feb 25th | 7-10:30pm | TheaterSpace |
Men on Boats Publicity Shoot | Mar 7th | 10 am or TBD | MTB 1014 |
Men on Boats Final Dress and Photo Call * |
Mar 24th | 7-10:30pm | Harris Theatre |
Fringe (2 shows) Publicity Shoot | Apr 11th | 10am or TBD | MTB 1014 |
Fringe 1 (Last Days of Judas Iscariot) Dress Rehearsal and Photo Call |
Apr 20th | 7-10:30PM | TheaterSpace |
Fringe 2 (Servant of Two Masters) Dress Rehearsal and Photo Call |
Apr 21st | 7-10:30pm | TheaterSpace |
* May be split into two depending on length of show. Also, I think we're missing a show... (RY?)
Overview • Galleries (See Galleries) • Monthly Themes • Field Trips • Speakers • Projects